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Christian Rauh from the WZB Social Science Center Berlin presented his paper 'Responsive technocrats? Public politicisation of European integration and policy making in the European Commission' at the ARENA Tuesday Seminar on 5 May 2015.


In the extended Tuesday Seminar held on 28 April 2015, which was also ELJ's For and Against Series #2, Prof. Neil Walker from Edinburgh Law School and Julio Baquero Cruz from the European Commission discussed constitutional pluralism.


At the ARENA Tuesday Seminar on 17 March Uwe Puetter presented an excerpt from the book The New Intergovernmetalism: States and Supranational Actors in the Post-Maastricht Era authored with Christopher Bickerton and Dermot Hodson.


Prof. Hans-Jörg Trenz from ARENA and University of Copenhagen presented his paper 'Euroscepticism as EU polity contestation: from normative assessment to cognitive framing' at the ARENA Tuesday Seminar on 3 March 2015.


At the ARENA Tuesday seminar on 3 February 2015, Christina Eckes presented the paper 'Constitutionalizing the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) through judicial control: institutional prerogatives, consistency and fundamental rights'.


On 27 January 2014, Baldur Thórhallsson from the University of Iceland gave the presentation 'Are Icelanders not good Europeans? The reluctance of the Icelandic political elite to take full part in the European project'.


Johan Christensen from Stanford University presented the paper 'Recruitment and expertise in the European Commission' at the ARENA Tuesday Seminar on 25 November 2014.


Hélène Landemore presented the paper 'Democratic Deliberation and Legitimacy in Crowdsourced Legislative Processes: The Case of the Law on Off-Road Traffic in Finland' at the Tuesday Seminar on 18 November 2014.


This workshop analyses the development of a European administrative order, including agencification. Its focus is on how that relates to and reprograms national administrative orders.


This workshop discusses the constitutional and democratic implications of developments within the domain of foreign and security policy. What, if any, is the constitutional identity of the EU in the domain of foreign and security policy? What are the democratic implications of a putative constitutionalisation of this domain?


This workshop focuses on Europe's civil society and on the implications of the crisis. A key assumption is that the crisis politicizes through redistributive conflicts and a ‘new politics of identity’. An important question that is considered is how the Europe of rights and citizenship confronts a Europe of increasing inequalities.


This workshop takes stock of the present status of legal-democratic rule in the EU. What are the implications for democratic arrangements of increased executive dominance and technocracy, as well as more differentiation? Are there any prospects for representative-democratic institutions to ‘fight back’?


This debate will gather parliamentarians from Norway, Denmark and Sweden to discuss today’s constitutional context and challenges. Do we take the current situation seriously enough?


Dagens sammenveving av europeisk og nasjonal lovgivning savner historisk sidestykke og har gitt opphav til en ny politisk orden i Europa. Dette har konsekvenser for nasjonale demokratier og grunnlover. Tas utviklingen alvorlig nok?


What is the state of democratic constitutionalism in Europe today? This open conference will discuss the current status of democracy in Europe, the implications of the euro crisis, as well as implications for Norway as an associate EU non-member state.


Som del av Grunnlovsjubileet i 2014 arrangerer ARENA en bredt anlagt og flerfaglig konferanse med vekt på nasjonalstatenes innvevning i den europeiske integrasjonsprosessen.


On Tuesday 14 October 2014, Nina M. Vestlund presented the paper 'The Quest for Order: Unravelling the relationship between the European Commission and European Union agencies'.


On 23 September 2014, Professor David Mayes from the University of Auckland and visiting researcher at ARENA presented the paper 'Banking Union in Europe. Will it work? What will it cost?'.


At the ARENA Tuesday Seminar on 16 September, Professor Dorte Sindbjerg Martinsen from the University of Copenhagen presented the paper 'Judicial influence on policy outputs? The political constraints of legal integration in the European Union'.


Anne Brasseur, President of the Council of Europe's Parliamentary Assembly, will visit Blindern campus on 10 September. She will discuss the challenges to human rights and democracy in Europe with students and others.


The first Tuesday Seminar of the Autumn term took place on 19 August. Visiting researcher and Assistant Professor at the Goethe-University, Charlotte Dany, presented her paper entitled 'Politicization of humanitarian aid in the European Union'.


NORCONE-prosjektet arrangerer en formidlingskonferanse i Brussel om konstitusjonelle sider ved Norges forhold til EU. Denne vil finne sted i Philanthropy House i Brussel 23. juni.


The NORCONE project will stage an open half-day conference on affiliated non-members of the EU. The event will take place at the Philanthropy House in Brussels.


Dr. Marianne Riddervold from ARENA presented her latest paper '(Not) in the Hands of the Member States: How the European Commission Influences EU Security and Defense Policies', at the ARENA seminar on Thursday 19 June 2014.


Former President of the European Parliament Jerzy Buzek will hold a public lecture on the Ukraine crisis and the implications for the EU, Eastern Europe and the relationship with Russia on June 2nd.

We regret to announce that the lecture has been cancelled.