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Arrangementer - Side 3

Tid og sted: , Fellesarealet, 2. etasje HHH

Dr. Konstantinos Mouratidis will hold a trial lecture with the title "Applications of GIS in urban geography: an overview". The trial lecture is open to the public and staff and students are welcome to attend.

Tid og sted: , Scandic Solli, Parkveien 68 Box 2458 Solli, 0202 Oslo

This conference marks the end of the project "What is a Good Policy? Political Morality, Feasibility, and Democracy" (GOODPOL), hosted and funded by the Center for Advanced Study at the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters.

Tid og sted: , Room 221, Harriet Holters hus

Visiting fellows Hanna Debska and Tomasz Warczok presenting their current research

Tid og sted: , Auditorium 3, Eilert Sundts hus, Blindern, Universitetet i Oslo

INCLUDE Lunsj er en serie seminarer arrangert av forskningssenteret Include. Denne gang er det professor Magne Flemmen ved Institutt for sosiologi og samfunnsgeografi som vil snakke om sammenhengen mellom klassetilhørighet og holdninger til miljøspørsmål. Alle interesserte er velkommen!

Tid og sted: , Domus Juridica, aud. 3

Parlamentenes rolle for utforming av kunnskapsbasert politikk

Tid og sted: , HHH Rom 221 (instituttstyrerommet)

APO / POW Workshop with Haldor Byrkjeflot and Lars Mjøset, 17th of March 2022, 14:15-16:00


Velkommen til nasjonalt vinterseminar i samfunnsgeografi. Seminaret er en lavterskel møteplass for alle samfunnsgeografer; studenter, vitenskapelig ansatte og ansatte i arbeidslivet. Årets tema er polarisering.

Tid og sted: , 2nd floor, Harriet Holters hus

The Sociology Research Seminar features Professor Eva Bendix Petersen, director of The Research Centre for Problem-Oriented Project Learning at Roskilde University in Denmark.

Tid og sted: , Online

cCHANGE and Prof. Karen O’Brien are excited to invite you to a powerful conversation with Paul Hawken, Eva Saldaña Buenache, and Laura Zanotti on the topic of O’Brien’s new book, You Matter More Than You Think: Quantum Social Change for a Thriving World.

Tid og sted: , 2nd floor, Harriet Holters hus

The Sociology Research Seminar features Hannah Wohl, Assistant Professor in Sociology at University of California, Santa Barbara.


Anu Kantola, Jules Naudet and Bruno Cousin: How the wealthy feel and think about the rest.


In this seminar, we bring together Anu Kantola (University of Helsinki - Finland), Bruno Cousin (Sciences Po, CEE - France) and Jules Naudet (CNRS, CEIAS - France). In the course of two presentations, we are offered in-depth analyses of how the upper class feels and thinks about the rest.  

Tid og sted: , Kulturhuset

In a world characterized by rapid and serious climate change and loss of biodiversity it is time to challenge established truths and assumptions and take the time to explore more deeply the tasks we are faced with. How can we make changes that both answer the problems we are faced with and creates better societies and lives for everyone?

We invite you to join us for the launch of Karen O'Brien's new book You Matter More Than You Think.

Tid og sted: , HHH Rom 221 (instituttstyrerommet)

POW Workshop with Torbjørn Gundersen, 11th of November 2021, 14:15-16:00

Tid og sted: , Zoom

In this seminar, we bring together Anne Monier (ESSEC) and Luna Glucksberg (LSE) for a joint seminar on elite philanthropy.

Tid og sted: , Zoom

In this seminar, Céline Bessière (Paris Dauphine University) and Sibylle Gollac  (CNRS) will present their work on wealth accumulation, class and gender. Their recent book,  "Le Genre du capital: Comment la famille reproduit les inégalités" (Paris, La Découverte, 2020), draws on family monographs extending 15 years of ethnography. In combination with statistical material, this impressive work brings attention to the ways in which families perpetuate wealth inequalities. 

Tid og sted: , HHH Rom 221 (instituttstyrerommet)

APO / POW Workshop with Katrine Fangen, 9th of September 2021, 14:15-16:00

Tid og sted: , Zoom / rom 221

Workshop with John Parker, Hannah Løke Kjos and Sigurd M. N. Oppegaard, 15th of June 2021, 12:00-14:00


Tid og sted: , zoom

Unpacking the Modern Working Class & the Classes and Elites Research Seminar present two seminars on the Working Class and Social Inequality in the 21st Century. 

In this second webinar, Wendy Bottero (University of Manchester) will discuss research on ordinary people’s understandings of inequality and Shamus Khan (Princeton University) will give a talk in which he argues that contemporary understandings of inequality are obscured by elite- and economic determinism.

Tid og sted: , Zoom

Unpacking the Modern Working Class & the Classes and Elites Research Seminar present two seminars on the Working Class and Social Inequality in the 21st Century. In this first webinar, Marianne Nordli Hansen (University of Oslo) will give an introduction and present insights from studying the Norwegian working class. Mike Savage (London School of Economics) will be discussing themes from his recently published book The Return of Inequality.

Tid og sted: , online

Virtual reading series from "Our Entangled Future", an anthology of short, inspiring and hopeful climate fiction stories. The authors' readings will be followed by a conversation on narratives as a tool for envisioning solution spaces. There will be two readings in May. 

Tid og sted: , Zoom

Det andre seminaret i det revitaliserte AKS-seminaret er en  presentasjon av Maria Brandén (Instituttet for analytisk sosiologi) med tittelen "Escaping One's Disadvantage? Neighborhoods, Socioeconomic Origin and Children's Life Outcomes"

Tid og sted: , Zoom

Det første seminaret i det revitaliserte AKS-seminaret er en  presentasjon av  Dan McArthur and Aaron Reeves (Universitet i Oxford) med tittel "The unintended consequences of quantifying quality: Does ranking school performance shape the geographical concentration of advantage?"


Patrick Sachweh (University of Bremen) will present results from a large mixed-methods project on symbolic boundaries in Germany. 

Tid og sted: , Zoom

Join the CityStudio Oslo ‘Making of’ Information session to get a behind the scenes understanding of this unique study opportunity. 


In this session co-organized with C-REX - Centre for Research on Extremism Dr. Koen Damhuis (University of Utrecht) will present his mixed-methods work on radical Right supporters in France and Netherlands.