I denne artikkelen vurderes Høyesteretts antatt ubestridte posisjon i et nasjonalt juridisk hierarki. I en kontekst med internasjonalisering av lovregimer, i hvilken grad er det fortsatt den nasjonale Høyesterett som sitter med siste instans av dømmende makt?

This paper discusses whether and to what extent the Norwegian Supreme Court remains the ultimate body of judicial power in a context of international law regimes. The paper is in Norwegian.

ARENA Working Paper 06/2002 (html)

Hans Petter Graver

Hva er ESAs faktiske rolle i overvåkning og implementering av EØS-avtalen, og hvorfor er organet så omstridt? Denne artikkelen tar et overblikk over disse spørsmålene og skisserer noen svar.

What is the factual role of ESA under the EEA Agreement, and why is the work of ESA so controversial in the member states? Some suggestive answers are given in this paper. The paper is in Norwegian.

ARENA Working Paper 11/2002 (html)

Hans Petter Graver and Ulf Sverdrup

Hva er drivkreftene bak konstitusjonell endring, og hvordan plasserer norsk grunnlovsdebatt og manglende reform seg i et europeisk perspektiv? Denne artikkelen gir en vurdering av disse spørsmålene, med grunnlag i observasjonen at Norge ofte har ligget etter europeiske kolleger i konstitusjonell reform.

This paper discusses Norwegian constitutional reform (or the lack thereof) in a comparative European context, questioning why and to what extent Norway has been lagging behind European colleagues in reforming the constitution. The paper is in Norwegian.

ARENA Working Paper 13/2002 (html)

Johan P. Olsen

What has been the impact of John Rawls’s work in the Nordic countries? This paper argues that in spite of difficult preconditions, the normative contract theory of Rawls has influenced the shape of government and welfare regimes. It is suggested that the relevance and impact of Rawlsian theory to the Nordic countries will increase with the process of Europeanisation.

ARENA Working Paper 15/2002 (html)

Andreas Føllesdal

Analysing the implications of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, this paper argues that the Charter represents a culmination of the EU as a rights-based entity. Effects of this formalisation will be manifest in the EU's external relations - that is, towards applicant countries as well as in the common foreign and security policy.

ARENA Working Paper 18/2002 (html)

Agustín José Menéndez

This paper presents some insights from an organisational approach to European integration. For exemplification, focus is put on (i) committees and (ii) Commission work; a key observation is that manner of organisation bears heavily on the extent to which institutions shape individual actors.

ARENA Working Paper 19/2002 (html)

Morten Egeberg

Denne artikkelen ser nærmere på den påvirkning forventninger om EU-medlemskap har hatt på utviklingen i sentral- og østeuropeiske kandidatland siden den kalde krigens slutt.

This paper looks at developments in candidate countries in Central and Eastern Europe generated by their membership aspirations in the EU. A key observation is that by way of membership and conversion criteria, the EU has affected internal developments in each of the nation states way prior to formal membership. The paper is in Norwegian.

ARENA Working Paper 21/2002 (html)

Helene Sjursen