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Social Psychology Research Group

We study how people, groups and cultures feel and think about each other, influence each other and interact with each other. Social psychology is a field of thriving basic research and many applications.

Five people with big backpacks are hiking on a hill.

Photo illustration: Colourbox

Social Psychology Research Group at the University of Oslo deals with the central questions: Why do people love each other? Why do groups fight against each other? How do emotions arise? How do feelings affect decisions and relations? Why do people act irrationally? How do we influence each other? How can we communicate climate science findings even if they are uncertain? How are relations communicated nonverbally, and what does that tell us about the connection of body and mind? What can psychology tell us about the experiencing art and religion?

About the group

Members of the group are among the leading scientists within their fields. They collaborate in innovative research projects and teach in BA, MA, Professional course, and PhD training. The group organizes a weekly colloquium with talks from the group and invited speakers.

Presentations by guests in 2017:

  • Adam Galinsky (Columbia Business School). DISCriminability: A model for understanding the conceptual distinctions between statistically correlated and theoretically connected variables
  • Daniel Lakens (TU Eindhoven). Simulating data in R to improve statistical inferences

The research group combines researchers at all stages, from Bachelor students to Emeritus Professor. 

Members of the group are actively engaged in applying their findings, for example in marketing and design, health behavior, risk communication, project planning, and mathematics education.

The group invites people working in organizations and students to present project ideas to us.


Academic programmes and courses


Laboratory with 7 computers for individual experimentation and psychophysiology lab for EMG and EEG.

Published Mar. 11, 2015 8:30 AM - Last modified Apr. 11, 2024 1:52 PM



Detailed list of participants
