PhD Final Seminar: Frauke Rohden

In this final seminar Osiris researcher Frauke Rohden will present her PhD thesis draft on the role of informal science-oriented online activities for the diffusion, understanding, and use of scientific knowledge.

Thesis title 

"Exploring Informal Science Communication Online."

About the project

Changes in information and communication technologies have paved the way for changes in public engagement with science over the last few decades. Much of the research in this changed digital environment focuses either on misinformation enabled by for example large social media platforms, or the potential for scientists to communicate to nonscientists in novel ways online.

However, in some online spaces engaging with science, there are enthusiastic views of science yet informal communication practices not directly linked to formalized or scientist-led science communication efforts. 

Studying the communication practices of climate movements on their websites, the hyperlinking practices of several sub communities discussing COVID-19 on the platform Reddit, and moderation practices of the latter, this thesis explores the role of informal science-oriented online activities for the diffusion, understanding, and use of scientific knowledge. 

This thesis builds on a combination of literatures from science and technology studies (STS), internet research and digital methods, and public engagement with science. The work contributes to the notion of climate activists as alternative science communicators (paper 1), expands the concept of platform vernacular to a community level (paper 2), and examines the work of moderators in science-hole online communities (paper 3). 


Professor Magnus Gulbrandsen (UiO) - main supervisor

Professor Susanne Bauer (UiO) - co-supervisor


Professor Sarah R. Davies (University of Vienna)

About Frauke Rohden

Frauke is a Doctoral Research Fellow at the Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture. Her PhD project is part of the OSIRIS project.

This seminar marks the final evaluation prior to submission of her dissertation.

Frauke's manuscript is available upon request from September 9th. Please send the request to Frauke at:



Published Sep. 7, 2022 11:07 AM - Last modified Sep. 7, 2022 12:48 PM