Shifting the level of selection in science improves collective outcomes - Guest lecture by Dr. Karthik Panchanathan

Dr. Karthik Panchanathan has made foundational contributions to understanding and modeling the social evolution of human cooperation (e.g., Panchanathan & Boyd, 2004, 2005, Nature).

The Deparment of Psychology is proud to have him as a guest lecturer on May 29th.

Portrait of a man.

Dr. Karthik Panchanathan

Shifting the level of selection in science improves collective outcomes

Criteria for recognizing and rewarding scientists primarily focus on individual contributions. This creates a conflict between what is best for scientists’ careers and what is best for science.

Dr. Karthik Panchanathan will lecture on how the theory of multilevel selection provides conceptual tools for modifying incentives to better align individual and collective interests. A core principle is the need to account for indirect effects by shifting the level at which selection operates from individuals to the groups in which individuals are embedded. This principle is used in several fields to improve collective outcomes, including animal husbandry, team sports, and professional organizations.

Shifting the level of selection has the potential to ameliorate several problems in contemporary science, including accounting for scientists’ diverse contributions to knowledge generation, reducing individual-level competition, and promoting specialization and team science. We discuss the difficulties associated with shifting the level of selection and outline directions for future development in this domain.


Dr. Karthik Panchanathan is Co-Director of the Evolution, Science and Society Group in the Department of Anthroplogy at the University of Missouri and holds a PhD in biological anthropology from UCLA.

His research interests include cooperation and social evolution, cultural evolution, evolution of learning and development, metascience, and philosophy of biology.

Published May 16, 2024 1:17 PM - Last modified May 27, 2024 1:46 PM