
Movement building and strategies for system change on multiple arenas

Time: Thursday February 16, 10.30-13.00

Location: University of Oslo, room: TBA

A system change demands changes on multiple arenas in society. In this workshop we want to look more closely at the implications of this, and discuss the pros and cons of different approaches to movement building, social mobilization and participatory processes. We will try to identify different phases and steps in a movement building process and discuss how to interlink different issues with each other and with both long term and short term goals.


  • Jonathan Korsár- Färnebo folkhögskola / Omställningsakademin (Folk High Shcool / Transition Academy)
  • Svante Malmstrøm- TRISE - Transnational Institute for Social Ecology


The meaning of system change

Time: Thursday February 16, 10.30-13.00

Location: University of Oslo, room: TBA

What does system change mean to you, how do you intepret it, what alternatives do you see where you live?


  • Gaute Eiterjord- Natur og Ungdom (Young Friends of the Earth Norway)
  • Anna Karlsson- Spire (Youth Organization for Just and Sustainable Distribution of the World’s Resources)
  • Alette Elvenes - Kirkeby andelslagsbruk (cooperative farm)


Designing green policies bottom-up

Time: Friday February 17, 10.30-13.00

Location: University of Oslo, room: TBA

When designing new policies to solve a problem, a government has to take into consideration many things and the interests of many actors. It has to listen to everyone, consider pros and cons, negotiate. Otherwise the failure is guaranteed. In this workshop we’ll see practical examples of this process and how to address a situation with different interests and many possible outcomes.


  • Toni Ribas- Barcelona  en Comú
  • Jennifer Coronado- Barcelona  en Comú

Ecological ethics and systems change

Time: Friday February 17, 10.30-13.00

Location: University of Oslo, room: TBA

What kind of ethics would help us achieve an ecological society? Do we need a commmon ethical foundation? What is the relationship between changes in values and outlooks, on the one hand, and changes in society and politics, on the other?


  • Eirik Eiglad- New Compass 
  • Giorgio Giusti


Local organizing for systems change

Time: Saturday February 18, 10.00-11.30

Location: University of Oslo, room: TBA

The topic of this workshop is tools, roadmaps and strategies that can combine local organizing and social movements with system change. Experienced organizers are invited as special guests to share their experiences. Participants are encouraged to bring in their own experiences working for change (in their communities, in local environmental issues, organizing as academics, initiatives they are engaged in, etc.), and work together with others on how these can be connected to a broad based bottom-up system change.


  • Malin Wildehammar- Demokratiskt Omställning (Democratic Transition)


Published Feb. 1, 2017 9:53 AM - Last modified Feb. 9, 2017 10:35 AM