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This project investigates India's commitments to global climate governance and sustainable development and will provide new knowledge about avenues for India's green global leadership.

INDGREEN will provide new knowledge about avenues for India’s green global leadership. The project will connect the research frontiers on climate leadership and polycentric climate governance with in-depth empirical research on climate policy development in India.

India has grown to become a key actor in global climate governance. Compared to other large emitters of GHGs (US, EU and China) India’s developmental leap just started, and understanding the relationship between India’s handling of the required low-carbon domestic development and its international climate role is essential for generating knowledge on the likelihood of India becoming a global green leader – or laggard.

Addressing India’s ability to fulfill its triple ambitions of economic growth, a green domestic transition and international green leadership within the limits of the global carbon budget, this project investigates India’s commitments to global climate governance and sustainable development.


The project is owned and led by Solveig Aamodt, Senior Researcher at CICERO. 

Read more here: INDGREEN: India’s ambitions and possibilities of becoming a global green leader (



Funded by The Research Council of Norway

Prosjektnummer: 303173


Norwegian version of this page
Published Apr. 24, 2024 8:20 AM - Last modified Apr. 24, 2024 8:46 AM