Jacob Aasland Ravndal

Associate professor
Image of Jacob Aasland Ravndal
Postal address Police University College

Jacob Aasland Ravndal is an Associate Professor at the Police University College, and was previously postdoctoral fellow at C-REX. 

Academic interests

  • Terrorism and political violence
  • Right-wing militancy
  • Left-wing militancy
  • Armed conflict
  • International security
  • Intelligence
  • Set-theory and Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA)


Since 2012, I have studied the evolution of right-wing terrorism and violence in Western Europe, with a particular focus on the Nordic countries. I also developed and lead the continuous development of the Right-Wing Terrorism and Violence (RTV) dataset, documenting the most severe RTV attacks in Western Europe since 1990. In addition, I teach a master's degree course on terrorism and political violence in Western democracies at the Department of Political Science.

My current research is on methodological challenges in terrorism research, the relationship between left- and right-wing militancy, and set-theoretic methods in the social sciences. I am also interested in the use of intelligence to counter terrorism and political violence.

From 2019 to 2020, I worked as a full-time member of the public commission tasked to evaluate the Norwegian Police and the Police Security Service's handling of a right-wing terrorist attack against a mosque outside Oslo in 2019.

I serve as an editorial board member for Studies in Conflict and Terrorism and the International Center for Counter-Terrorism (ICCT). I am also a steering group member for ECPR’s Standing Group on Political Violence.

Previously, I worked as a Research Fellow at the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI), researching topics such as counterinsurgency operations, the use of intelligence in international peace operations, protection of civilians, security in the High North, and international cybersecurity.


STV4510 - Terrorism and Political Violence in Western Democracies


Right-Wing Terrorism and Violence in Western Europe (RTV)

Tags: Terrorism, Political Violence, Extremism, Armed Conflict, International Security, Intelligence


Guri Nordtorp Mølmen & Jacob Aasland Ravndal (2021) Mechanisms of online radicalisation: how the internet affects the radicalisation of extreme-right lone actor terrorists, Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression, DOI: 10.1080/19434472.2021.1993302

Lygren, Sofia & Jacob Ravndal (2021). Why Reciprocal Intergroup Radicalisation Happened between Islamists and Anti-Islamists in Britain but Not in Norway, Terrorism and Political Violence, advanced online publication, DOI: 10.1080/09546553.2021.1933957

Ravndal, Jacob Aasland; Madeleine Thorstensen; Anders Ravik Jupskås & Graham Macklin (2021). RTV Trend Report 2021: Right Wing Terrorism and Violence in Western Europe, 1990 - 2020, C-REX Research Report No. 1/2021.

Berntzen, Lars Erik Nese & Jacob Aasland Ravndal (2021).  Monster or Hero? Far-right Responses to Anders Behring Breivik and the July 22, 2011 Terrorist Attacks, Perspectives on Terrorism 15(3), p. 37-59.

Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2021). From Bombs to Books, and Back Again? Mapping Strategies of Right-Wing Revolutionary ResistanceStudies in Conflict and Terrorism, DOI: 10.1080/1057610X.2021.1907897

Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2020).  The Emergence of Transnational Street Militancy: A Comparative Case Study of the Nordic Resistance Movement and Generation Identity. Journal for Deradicalization.  ISSN  2363-9849X. Winter Issue 2020/21, No. 25, p. 1- 34.

Bjørgo, Tore and Jacob Aasland Ravndal (2020). Why the Nordic Resistance Movement Restrains Its Use of Violence. Perspectives on Terrorism 14(6), p. 37-48.

Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2020). Fra landssvik til «trollterror» – utviklingen i det norske høyreekstreme trusselbildet fra 1945 til 2019. Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift.  ISSN 0800-336X.  37(4), p. 355- 368

Ravndal, Jacob Aasland & Jupskås, Anders Ravik (2020). Methods for mapping far right violence, In Graham David Macklin; Joel Busher; Stephen D Ashe & Aaron Winter (ed.),  Researching the Far Right: Theory, Method and Practice. Routledge. ISBN 9781138219342.  8.

Dalgaard-Nielsen, Anja, Jacob Aasland Ravndal, Helge Renå, Jakob Ilum, Morten Løw hansen, Jørn Rye Eriksen and Bushra Ishaq (2020).  Evaluering av politiets og PSTs håndtering av terror­hendelsen i Bærum 10. august 2019. Raport fra Evalueringsutvalget, 29. juni 2020. 

Ravndal, Jacob Aasland; Sofia Lygren; Anders Ravik Jupskås & Tore Bjørgo (2020). RTV Trend Report 2020: Right Wing Terrorism and Violence in Western Europe, 1990 - 2019, C-REX Research Report No. 1/2020.

Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2019). Transnational Militancy in the Making: A Primer on the Nordic Resistance Movement and Generation Identity. C-REX Working Paper Series, No. 1/2019. URL: https://www.sv.uio.no/c-rex/english/publications/c-rex-working-paper-series/transnational-militancy-in-the-making.pdf

Ravndal, Jacob Aasland; Sofia Lygren; Lars Wibe Hagen& Anders Ravik Jupskås (2019). RTV Trend Report 2019: Right Wing Terrorism and Violence in Western Europe, 1990 - 2018, C-REX Research Report 1/2019.

Bjørgo, Tore and Jacob Aasland Ravndal (2019). Extreme-Right Violence and Terrorism: Concepts, Patterns,and Responses. ICCT Policy Briefs.

Ravndal, Jacob Aasland and Tore Bjørgo (2018). Investigating Terrorism from the Extreme Right: A Review of Past and Present Research. Perspectives on Terrorism, 7(6): 5-22.

Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2018). Right-Wing Terrorism and Militancy in the Nordic Countries: A Comparative Case Study. Terrorism and Political Violence, 30(5): 772–792. doi: 10.1080/09546553.2018.1445888

Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2017). Explaining right-wing terrorism and violence in Western Europe: Grievances, opportunities and polarisation. European Journal of Political Research, 57(4): 845–866. doi: 10.1111/1475-6765.12254

Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2017). Right-Wing Terrorism and Violence in Western Europe: A Comparative Analysis. Department of Political Science, University of Oslo. Ph.d. thesis.

De Coning, Cedric, Stian Kjeksrud, Jakob Aasland Ravndal, Andreas Øien Stensland og Walter Lotze (2016). Protecting civilians: comparing organisational approaches. Chapter 4 in Heidi Willmot; Ralph Mamiya; Scott Sheeran & Marc Weller (eds.), Protection of Civilians. Oxford University Press.

Ravndal, Jakob Aasland (2016). Right-Wing Terrorism and Violence in Western Europe: Introducing the RTV Dataset. Perspectives on Terrorism 10(3): 2-15.

Ravndal, Jakob Aasland (2015). Thugs or Terrorists? A Typology of Right-Wing Terrorism in Western Europe. Journal for Deradicalization 1(3): 1-38.

Ravndal, Jakob Aasland (2013). Anders Behring Breivik’s use of the Internet and social media. Journal EXIT-Deutschland: Zeitschrift für Deradikalisierung und Demokratische Kultur 2: 172-185.

Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2012). A Post-Trial Profile of Anders Behring Breivik. CTC sentinel 5(10): 16-20.

Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2012). A Pre-Trial Profile of Anders Behring Breivik. CTC sentinel 5(3): 6-10.

Kjeksrud, Stian & Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2012). Emerging Lessons from MONUC. Chapter 5 in Benjamin de Carvalho & Ole Jacob Sending (eds.). The Protection of Civilians in UN Peacekeeping: Concept, Implementation and Practice. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft.

Kjeksrud, Stian and Jacob Aasland Ravndal (2011). Emerging lessons from the United Nations mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo: military contributions to the protection of civilians. African Security Review 20(2): 3-16.

Norheim-Martinsen, Per Martin and Jacob Aasland Ravndal (2011). Towards Intelligence-Driven Peace Operations? The Evolution of UN and EU Intelligence Structures. International Peacekeeping 18(4): 454-467.

Ravndal, Jacob Aasland and Stian Kjeksrud (2011). Hvordan kan militære beskytte sivile?. Norsk Militært Tidsskrift 181(2): 18-24.

Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2010). Etterretning i FN: Hvordan det umulige ble mulig. Chapter 5 in Tore Nyhamar (ed.). Utfordringer og strategi i freds- og stabiliseringsoperasjoner. Oslo: Abstrakt forlag.

View all works in Cristin

  • Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2024). Er samfunnsvitenskapen på vei mot et sett-teoretisk paradigmeskifte?
  • Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2024). Anbefalinger for førstelinjen: Hva er implikasjonene av de siste utredningene og anbefalingene?
  • Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2024). Trender innen høyreekstrem og islamistisk terror: Hva bør være grunnlaget for trusselvurderinger?
  • Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2024). Right-wing Terrorism and Violence in Western Europe: Mapping Trends from the RTV Dataset.
  • Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2024). Comparing the effects of plot inclusion on assessments of right-wing versus Islamist terrorist threats in Europe and the United States.
  • Tandberg, Charlotte & Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2023). Evaluering av politiets radikaliseringskontaktordning .
  • Ravndal, Jacob Aasland & Tandberg, Charlotte (2023). Evaluuering av politiets radikaliseringskontaktordning - Konsekvenser for det tverrsektorielle arbeidet.
  • Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2023). Utviklingen av høyreekstrem terrorisme og vold i Vest-Europa, med vekt på de nordiske landene.
  • Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2023). Bruk av hypoteser i etterretningsanalyse.
  • Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2023). - Obskurt og søkt. [Internet]. Subjekt.
  • Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2023). Politidirektøren fikk strykkarakter: Slår tilbake. [Internet]. NRK.
  • Eriksen, Christoffer Conrad; Ravndal, Jacob Aasland; Jansen, Pia Therese & Rolfheim-Bye, Christina Lill (2023). Pride: Avlysning uten avklaring. Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.). ISSN 0804-3116.
  • Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2023). Reagerer på polititoppens forklaring. [Internet]. NRK.
  • Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2023). Mener tidligere PST-sjef kom med misvisende opplysninger i høring. [Newspaper]. VG.
  • Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2023). Rapport fra 25. juni-utvalget - Evaluering av PST og politiet.
  • Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2023). Personvernvurderinger knyttet til utvikling og deling av data på høyreekstrem terror: Hvordan GDPR og NSD/Sikt både skapte og løste utfordringer.
  • Ravndal, Jacob Aasland & Tandberg, Charlotte (2023). Lanseringsseminar: Evaluering av politiets radikaliseringskontaktordning.
  • Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2023). Bruk av hypoteser i etterretningsanalyser.
  • Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2023). Er samfunnsvitenskapen på vei mot et sett-teoretisk paradigmeskifte?
  • Holter, Katrine; Ravndal, Jacob Aasland & Eriksen, Christoffer Conrad (2023). Rett og Slett #61: 25. juni-angrepet: Hva gikk galt? [Radio]. Alle podkastspillere.
  • Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2023). Samhandling mellom politiet og de hemmelige tjenestene for å forebygge og avverge terrorisme i Norge: Utvalgte funn fra 25. juni-utvalget.
  • Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2023). Measurement problems in (far-right) terrorism research.
  • Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2023). Measurement problems in (far-right) terrorism research.
  • Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2023). Mapping trends in Right-Wing Terrorism and Violence in Western Europe: Selected findings from the RTV dataset.
  • Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2022). – Var neppe intensjonen å avsløre hvor få de er. [Newspaper]. Dagsavisen.
  • Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2022). Deling av data fra forskning på høyreekstrem terrorisme.
  • Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2022). Hvordan skille god fra dårlig forskning?
  • Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2022). Hva er sammenhengene mellom ekstremisme, ideologi og politisk vold?
  • Tandberg, Charlotte & Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2022). Vekst eller tilbakegang? Hvordan og hvorfor måleproblemer i terrorforskning fører til ulike konklusjoner om samme fenomen.
  • Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2022). Hva er ekstremisme? Former for ekstremisme i Vesten.
  • Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2022). Global movements of the far rigth - Thematic Session (Invited).
  • Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2022). Documenting Right-Wing Terrorism and Violence in Western Europe: Trends and Pitfalls.
  • Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2022). Assessing far-right threats: Terrorism, violence and evolving strategies of revolutionary resistance.
  • Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2022). Massedrap i Buffalo. [TV]. NRK Dagsrevyen.
  • Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2022). Betydningen av ideologi for voldelig radikalisering.
  • Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2022). Hvordan skille god fra dårlig forskning?
  • Ravndal, Jacob Aasland & Tandberg, Charlotte (2022). Høyreekstrem terrorisme og vold i Vest Europa 2017-2021.
  • Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2022). — Jeg opplevde at GDPR skapte en slags panikk. [Newspaper]. Khrono.
  • Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2022). Er det farlig å gi Breivik rettsalen som scene, spør Lena Lindgren. [Newspaper]. Morgenbladet.
  • Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2022). Forsker advarer mot spredning av nye Breivik-bilder fra rettssaken. [Newspaper]. NTB / Journalisten.
  • Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2021). From Bombs to Books, and Back Again? Mapping Strategies of Right-Wing Revolutionary Resistance.
  • Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2021). Documenting Right-wing Terrorism and Violence in Western Europe – insights from the RTV dataset.
  • Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2021). La ikke terrorfrykten ta overhånd. Andre farer truer demokratiet. Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.). ISSN 0804-3116.
  • Fosaas, Fredrik; Ravndal, Jacob Aasland & Dørum, Knut (2020). antifascisme. Store Norske Leksikon (Nettutgaven).
  • Bjørgo, Tore & Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2019). Extreme-Right Violence and Terrorism: Concepts, Patterns,and Responses. ICCT Research paper. ISSN 2468-0494. doi: 10.19165/2019.1.08.
  • Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2019). Right-wing terrorism and violence may actually have declined. The Washington Post.
  • Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2019). The Dark Web Enabled the Christchurch Killer. Foreign policy. ISSN 0015-7228.
  • Ravndal, Jacob Aasland & Bjørgo, Tore (2018). Hva er problemet med Den nordiske motstandsbevegelsen? Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.). ISSN 0804-3116.
  • Enstad, Johannes Due & Ravndal, Jakob Aasland (2015). Hvorfor er det så mye mer høyreekstrem vold i Sverige? Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.). ISSN 0804-3116.
  • Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2014). Nordic Right-Wing Terrorism and Militancy: Explaining cross-national variances.
  • Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2014). The online life of a modern terrorist: Anders Behring Breivik's use of the Internet. VOX-Pol Blog.
  • Enstad, Johannes Due & Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2013). Trender i europeisk høyreterror. Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.). ISSN 0804-3116.
  • Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2013). Ikke så ensomme ulver. Ytring : NRK.
  • Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2012). A Post-Trial Profile of Anders Behring Breivik. CTC Sentinel. 5(10), p. 16–20.
  • Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2012). A Pre-Trial Profile of Anders Behring Breivik. CTC Sentinel. 5(3), p. 6–10.
  • Ravndal, Jacob Aasland & Kjeksrud, Stian (2011). Hvordan kan militære beskytte sivile? Norsk Militært Tidsskrift. ISSN 0029-2028. 181(2), p. 18–24.
  • Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2010). Integrated intelligence in UN peace operations.
  • Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2010). Robust Peacekeeping Mandates Demand Access to Advances in Integrated Intelligence.
  • Ravndal, Jacob Aasland; Tandberg, Charlotte; Sessolo, Simone; Jupskås, Anders Ravik & Bjørgo, Tore (2023). RTV Trend Report 2023: Right-Wing Terrorism and Violence in Western Europe, 1990 - 2022. Universitetet i Oslo. Full text in Research Archive
  • Tandberg, Charlotte & Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2023). Evaluering av politiets radikaliseringskontaktordning. Politihøgskolen. ISSN 0807-1721. 2023(4).
  • Jansen, Pia Therese; Eriksen, Christoffer Conrad; Hoven, Siren; Løberg, Anders; Ravndal, Jacob Aasland & Rolfheim-Bye, Christina Lill [Show all 7 contributors for this article] (2023). Rapport fra 25. juni-utvalget: Evaluering av PST og politiet. Politidirektoratet. Full text in Research Archive
  • Ravndal, Jacob Aasland; Tandberg, Charlotte; Jupskås, Anders Ravik & Thorstensen, Madeleine (2022). RTV Trend Report 2022 - Right-Wing Terrorism and Violence in Western Europe, 1990 - 2021. Universitetet i Oslo.
  • Ravndal, Jacob Aasland; Thorstensen, Madeleine Marie Tønnesen; Jupskås, Anders Ravik & Macklin, Graham David (2021). RTV Trend Report 2021: Right-Wing Terrorism and Violence in Western Europe, 1990 - 2020. Universitetet i Oslo.
  • Ravndal, Jacob Aasland; Lygren, Sofia; Jupskås, Anders Ravik & Bjørgo, Tore (2020). RTV Trend Report 2020: Right-Wing Terrorism and Violence in Western Europe, 1990 - 2019. Universitetet i Oslo.
  • Dalgaard-Nielsen, Anja; Ravndal, Jacob Aasland; Renå, Helge; Ilum, Jakob; Hansen, Morten Løw & Eriksen, Jørn Rye [Show all 7 contributors for this article] (2020). Evaluering av politiets og PSTs håndtering av terror­hendelsen i Bærum 10. august 2019. Evalueringsutvalget.
  • Ravndal, Jacob Aasland; Lygren, Sofia; Hagen, Lars Wibe & Jupskås, Anders Ravik (2019). RTV Trend Report 2019: Right Wing Terrorism and Violence in Western Europe, 1990 - 2018. Universitetet i Oslo.
  • Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2019). Transnational Militancy in the Making: A Primer on the Nordic Resistance Movement and Generation Identity. Center for Research on Extremism (C-REX), University of Oslo.
  • Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2017). Right-Wing Terrorism and Violence in Western Europe: A Comparative Analysis. Universitetet i Oslo. Full text in Research Archive
  • Ravndal, Jacob Aasland (2009). Developing Intelligence Capabilities in Support of UN Peace Operations: An Institutional Approach. Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Institutt. ISSN 978-82-7002-258-8.

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Published Sep. 18, 2017 11:21 AM - Last modified May 8, 2024 12:16 AM