The 2022 Promenta Conference: Mental Health and Quality of Life Towards 2030

PROMENTA, in collaboration with Sunne kommuner (WHO Healthy Cities' Norwegian network), have the pleasure of welcoming researchers, practitioners and policy makers to a two-day conference at Sentralen in Oslo this September. 

Image may contain: Font, Aqua, Electric blue, Brand, Terrestrial plant.

Day 1 of the conference will be conducted in English only. While the primary audience for this series of lectures are researchers and students, all are most welcome to attend. Day 2 of the conference will take place primarily in Norwegian, and is aimed at researchers, politicians and practitioners working with or interested in public health, mental health and quality of life interventions. 

Register here by September 13th! 

UiO and NIPH staff and students may register for free using the promo code "2030".


September 28th, 2022: 

On Day 1 of the conference we will present the most current research on mental health and wellbeing carried out by PROMENTA's many PhD and postdoctoral fellows - covering the full range of PROMENTA research areas from genetics and neurocognitive development, to psychosocial determinants, drug use and drug policy, and methodological development. 

08:30 Registration

09.00 Opening and welcome by Prof. Espen Røysamb

09.15 First keynote lecture

Crystal ball scanning – how might polygenic scores impact research and clinical implementation in mental disorders? by Dr. Cathryn LewisProfessor of Genetic Epidemiology & Statistics at King’s College London

10.15 PROMENTA Presents - Session 1

Maternal prenatal stress, offspring polygenic risk, and preschool aggression and internalizing difficulties: evaluating the gene-environment interplay in the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study (MoBa) by Dr. Stella Tsotsi, Postdoctoral Researcher at PROMENTA and the Department of Psychology, UiO

Parent-of-origin (POE) effects in childhood aggression assessed using genetic and epigenetic data from the Norwegian Mother, Father, and Child Cohort Study (MoBa) by Dr. Dinka Smajlagic, Postdoctoral Researcher at PROMENTA and the Department of Psychology, UiO

On the importance of parenting in externalizing disorders: an evaluation of indirect genetic effects in families by Dr. Espen Moen Eilertsen, Postdoctoral Researcher at PROMENTA and the Department of Psychology, UiO

The relationship between police contacts and continued offending: Longitudinal research from Norway by Dr. Synøve Nygaard Andersen, Postdoctoral Researcher at PROMENTA and the Department of Sociology and Human Geography, UiO

PROMENTA Presents - Session 2

Pathways to Drug Dealing in the Middle and Upper Classes: Early Marginalization, Relative Disadvantage and Countercultural Opposition by Eirik Jerven Berger, PhD candidate at PROMENTA and the Department of Sociology and Human Geography, UiO

Four interactional styles in crime preventive policing by Liridona Gashi, PhD candidate at PROMENTA and the Department of Sociology and Human Geography, UiO

The Homo Politicus: A Political Psychology Example of How Individuals’ Well-Being Affects Society at Large by Anne Marie Fluit,  PhD candidate at PROMENTA and the Department of Psychology, UiO

The role of adolescent work values for quality of adult life two decades later by Dr. Michal Kozák, Postdoctoral Researcher at PROMENTA and the Department of Psychology, UiO


13.00 Second keynote

Measuring mental health with machine learning and brain imaging by Dr. Gael Varoquaux, Research Director at INRIA (National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology, France) (Digital presentation)

13.30 PROMENTA Presents - Session 3 

Machine Learning for Suicide Prediction and Prevention by Dr.Haghish E. F., Postdoctoral Researcher at PROMENTA and the Department of Psychology, UiO

Top-down or bottom-up? Using network analysis to map the structure of subjective well-being by Dr. Xiaoyu Lan, Postdoctoral Researcher at PROMENTA and the Department of Psychology, UiO

Child Mental Health Effects of Large-Scale School Curricular Changes: A Systematic Review by Siri Folstad, PhD candidate at PROMENTA and the Department of Psychology, UiO

PROMENTA Presents - Session 4: 

How interactions between ADHD and schools affect achievement: a family-based genetically sensitive study by Dr. Rosa CheesmanPostdoctoral Researcher at PROMENTA and the Department of Psychology, UiO

Explaining correlations between nonimmediate relatives on Norwegian national tests by Dr. Nikolai Haahjem Eftedal, Postdoctoral Researcher at PROMENTA and the Department of Psychology, UiO

Sibling spillover effects in educational performance and neurodevelopmental disorder by Dr. Mathias Valstad, Researcher at PROMENTA and the Norwegian Institute of Public Health

Early pubertal maturation and brain development: A longitudinal ABCD study Early pubertal maturation and brain development: A longitudinal ABCD study by Dr. Dani Beck, Postdoctoral Researcher at PROMENTA, NORMENT and Diakonhjemmet Hospital

15.15 Final keynote

Socioeconomic Inequity and Child Development by Dr. Kimberly Noble, Professor of Neuroscience and Education at Teachers College, Columbia University (Digital presentation)

15.45 Closing remarks by Prof. Espen Røysamb 


September 29th, 2022: 

 This day features research from PROMENTA's Intervention and Gap-bridging research group and invited researchers, as well as introductions to practical interventions from a variety of organizations and institutions. You will learn more about quality of life distributions, the significance of neighborhoods for health and wellbeing, and important determinants for better mental health among children and adolescents. 

Program is available in Norwegian only: 

Registrering, kaffe og croissant



Oslos nye folkehelsestrategi: Utjevning av sosial ulikhet og økt livskvalitet som mål
Robert Steen, byråd for helse, eldre og innbyggertjenester i Oslo kommune

Livskvalitet i Norge i dag
Ragnhild Bang Nes og Espen Røysamb, Promenta ved Universitetet i Oslo

Promentas verden: Innblikk i den nyeste forskningen på psykisk helse og livskvalitet
Ulike forskere fra Promenta, Universitetet i Oslo

Practical ways to make communities stronger and think about the neighbourhood as the place where change can happen
Cormac Russel, Managing Director of Nurture Development, faculty member of the Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) Institute, DePaul University, Chicago (deltar digitalt)


Aktivitetsstasjoner: Vi tester Hverdagsgledens fem!





Hvordan kan vi sikre bedre fordeling av livskvalitet i befolkningen?
Livskvalitet er landets viktigste ressurs, men ofte ulikt fordelt i befolkningen. For å sikre en bedre fordeling av livskvalitet er det behov for å gjennomføre konkrete tiltak på ulike nivåer og arenaer – både universelle og strukturelle tiltak, og spesifikke intervensjoner rettet mot grupper og individer. I denne parallellsesjonen viser vi frem bredden av tiltak som bidrar til å fremme god livskvalitet for flere.

  • Fem grep for økt hverdagsglede på tvers av nivåer
    Maja Gunvor Eilertsen (FHI) og Monica Beer Prydz (UiO)
  • Verdien av helsefremmende og forebyggende intervensjoner
    Arne Holte (FHI)
  • Hvordan kan vi fremme psykisk styrke i befolkningen?
    Live Skow Hofgaard (UiO)
  • Hvem endrer seg mest, de fornøyde eller de som er mindre positive til tiltaket? Foreløpige resultater fra implementering av foreldreveiledningsprogrammet Tuning in to Kids (TIK) i FUS barnehage
    Egil Nygaard (UiO)

Psykisk helse og livskvalitet blant ungdom
Ungdomstiden er en sårbar tid med mange endringer både biologisk og sosialt. I denne parallellsesjonen vil vi se nærmere på status for barn og unges psykiske helse og livskvalitet etter to år med pandemi. Vi vil bl.a. se hvordan gaming preger unges liv, samt se på viktige innsatsfaktorer for å sikre barn og unge oppvekstvilkår som fremmer god psykisk helse. 

  • Hvordan kan kommunen bidra til god psykisk helse blant barn og unge?
    Benedikte-Marie Lio (Mental Helse Ungdom)

Har nabolaget noe å si for hvordan vi har det?
Det er i nabolaget og lokalmiljøet vi lever det meste av livene våre. Stedet vi bor gir oss ulike muligheter for deltakelse, tilhørighet og inkludering, som igjen har innflytelse på vår trivsel. I denne parallellsesjonen vil vi belyse hvordan egenskaper ved nabolaget du vokser opp i påvirker din psykiske helse og livskvalitet gjennom hele livet. 

Rusproblemer og rusreform
Det er en tett kobling mellom rusmiddelbruk, psykisk helse og livskvalitet. Hvordan kan vi jobbe for å sikre bedre liv for personer som sliter med rusmisbruk? Og hvilke forebyggende tiltak kan vi iverksette for å hindre risikabel bruk? I denne parallellsesjonen undersøker vi kunnskap og praksis på rusfeltetog ser nærmere på status for rusreformen.

  • Generasjon cannabis?
    Willy Pedersen (UiO)
  • Rusreformen – hvor står vi nå?
    Kenneth Arctander (RIO)



Wellness, Fairness, and Worthiness: Psychosocial Foundations for Mental Health and Quality of Life in our Communities
Isaac Prilleltensky, Mautner Chair in Community Well-Being at the University of Miami (deltar digitalt)

Livskvalitet og politikk: Hva ville skje hvis vi målte samfundsøkonomisk suksess i livskvalitet? 
Michael Birkjær, The happiness research institute, Copenhagen

Hvordan skaper vi et inkluderende samfunn som fremmer livskvalitet for alle? 


Minikonsert, småretter og noe godt i glasset på Sentralens nye takterrasse


You may register for both days or the day of your preference individually. Attendance at Day 1 is free, whereas there's a fee of NOK 1000 for Day 2 of the conference. Employees and elected officials of municipalities and counties associated with Sunne kommuner, as well as employees and students at the University of Oslo and the Norwegian Institute of Public Health are not subject to the conference fee. You may use the discount code "2030" if this applies to you. Register here by September 13th, 2022!


Published June 24, 2022 1:58 PM - Last modified Apr. 4, 2023 12:38 PM