Norwegian municipality data

  • NSD’s municipality database
    Norwegian Social Science Data Services (NSD) municipality database contains around 300 000 variables on the following topics: (1) Natural resources and the environment, (2) demographical data, (3) labor marked, (4) commerce, (5) elections, (6) municipality budget and finances, (7) education, (8) health and healthcare, (9) construction and housing, (10) transport, (11) leisure, culture, language and religion and more.

    Data classification: Vary, on the municipality-level
    Region: Norway
    Time period: 1769-present
    Format: SPSS, MS Excel

  • KOSTRA (Municipality-State-Reporting)
    Statistics Norway’s KOSTRA-database provide information on most of the municipal and county municipal key activities, including economy, schools, health, culture, the environment, social services, public housing, technical services and transport and communication. KOSTRA is a national information system.

    Data classification: Budget, financial and more on the municipality level
    Region: Norway
    Time period: 1999-present
    Format: MS Excel, HTML
Publisert 15. apr. 2010 15:45 - Sist endret 8. jan. 2023 14:19