
Published Dec. 6, 2010 9:33 AM

Born in Central Ethiopia, Haile has only lived in Norway for four years after immigrating to Norway through family reunification with his mother. He is an ambitious young man who has undergone significant hardship to pursue a career that would meet his expectations as well as cultural background. Please read more of Haile's story to learn about his journey and his experiences in Norway.

Published Nov. 9, 2010 2:09 PM

Jengar was born in the Iraqi part of Kurdistan in 1984. He came to Norway as an asylum seeker in 2002. When we met him he had been in Norway for eight years. Having been rejected asylum for the second time, Jengar was supposed to leave the country, but he did not perceive it as safe to return to Iraq. His only option was to live in the deportation camp as an illegalized migrant. Read Jengar's story and learn more about the challenges of a young adult illegal migrant in Norway. 

Published Nov. 9, 2010 2:06 PM

Fatima is a 25-year old woman who has been willing to share with us her experiences of growing up in Norway with parents from Pakistan. It is based upon various interviews with her, a short story authored by herself, as well as pictures she has taken and shared with us. Fatima’s thoughts and pictures reveal how feelings of inclusion and exclusion change over time and how they may relate to both parent’s migration story and one’s own sense of isolation or community. Read Fatima's story.