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Evaluations of PhD-courses at the Faculty of Social Sciences

Courses are evaluated each time they are held. The purpose of evaluation is to provide course managers, students and PhD candidates with an opportunity to engage in dialogue and receive feedback as they progress, as well as to ensure ongoing course development.

Evaluation includes an assessment of the relationship between the course's learning outcomes and teaching methods and organization. Other key topics are the course's learning environment and the students'/PhD candidates' work and activation.

The course manager prepares a brief summary of the students’/PhD candidates’ most important feedback, any adjustments made and opportunities for course development. Such summaries are shared with the course owner and the students/PhD candidates who have participated. (Quality assurance system for the educational activities at the University of Oslo)

The required Faculty courses

Autumn 2021

SV9103 – Introduction to the PhD Programme
SV9104 – Research ethics
SV9106 – Research Communication
SV9107 – International publishing

Spring 2022

SV9103 – Introduction to the PhD Programme

Published Mar. 31, 2022 2:55 PM - Last modified Mar. 31, 2022 3:04 PM