Memoranda from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo

1947-05-22 Logpart-funksjonen [The logpart function], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 6 pp.


1947-05-28 Seleksjonens grunnformel [The basic formula of selection], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 1 p.


1947-08-15 Den samfunnsmessig optimale arbeidsinnsats [The socially optimum employment], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 11 pp.

Later published (in Stimulator) as RF1947f. The memo was translated into English and submitted by Frisch as member of the UN Economic and Employment Commission, as Document E/CN.1/SUB.2/6. , see also 1948-01-02.


1947-08-20 Om den statistiske bestemmelse av kryssetterspørslene i en gruppe av behovssammenhengende goder [On the statistical determination of the cross-demands in a group of want-connected goods], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 3 pp.


1947-10-03 Prinsipiell definisjon av begrepet kjøpepress [Definition of the concept buying pressure], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 2 pp.

See 1949-03-07.


1947-10-05 Ad produksjonsteorien. Bedriftens reaksjon overfor endringer i produktpris og faktorpriser [Re the theory of production. The firm's reaction to changes in product-price and factor-prices] Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 12 pp.


1947-10-10 Grunnprinsippene for Bush-Caldwell integratoren [The basic principles of the Bush-Caldwell integrator], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 9 pp.


1947-11-24 The Neyman-Pearson theory of testing hypothesis, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 3 pp.


1948-01-02 Den optimale arbeidsinnsats [The optimum employment], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 18 pp.

A popularized presentation of a memorandum to the UN Subcommission for Employment and Economic Stability (Document E/CN.1/Sub.2/6), later published as RF1948a.


1948-01-18 Hvorledes en øking i tilgangen av et knapphetsgode (f.eks. en rasjonert vare) virker på likevektsstørrelsene i byttemarkedet [How an increased influx of a good in short supply (e.g. a rationed good) acts on the equilibrium values in

the barter market], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 4 pp.


1948-01-20 Om den tendens henimot underoptimal arbeidsinnsats som blir skapt av den externe grenseproduktivitet [On the tendency towards a sub-optimal employment caused by the external marginal product], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 6 pp.


1948-01-22 Det samfunnsøkonomiske optimumsproblem må formuleres som et problem om å maksimere et nytteoverskudd [The economic optimization problem of the society should be formulated as a problem of maximizing a utility surplus], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 5 pp.


1948-01-25 Skisse til et system for multikompensasjonshandel [An outline of a system for multicompensatory trade], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 8 pp.

Further development of the idea resulted in 1948-03-04, RF1948c, 1963-02-03, RF1963d, RF1964d.


1948-01-26 Et fundamentalpunkt i den statiske lære om markedsmekanismen: Overbestemthet når produksjonssiden og konsumsjonssiden ses i sammenheng [A fundamental point in the static theory of the market mechanism: An

overdeterminedness when the producer side and the consumer side are seen together], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 10 pp.


1948-01-28 Noen merknader om iterert multiplikatoreffekt [Some remarks on an iterated multiplier effect], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 5 pp.

Co-authored by Poul Nørregaard Rasmussen.


1948-02-08 Videre merknader om optimumsegenskaper og overbestemthet ved visse typer av økonomiske likevektssystemer [Further remarks on optimum properties and overdeterminedness of certain kinds of economic equilibrium systems], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 15 pp.


1948-02-24 Konjunkturbølgenes utsagnskraft når materialet er hentet fra forskjellige distrikter, og distriktenes representasjon i materialet skifter tilfeldig [The significance of the business cycles when the data are taken from different districts and the representation of the districts shifts randomly], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 5 pp.

With refrences to a discussion with Professor Eli Heckscher.


1948-03-04 Outline of a system of multicompensatory trade, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 9 pp.

See RF1948c, RF1963d.


1948-03-07 Draft of parts of introductory remarks in the report of The Sub-Commission on Employment and Economic Stability, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 4 pp.


1948-03-08 A system of concepts describing the economic circulation and production process, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 56 pp.

Co-authored by Odd Aukrust and Petter Jakob Bjerve. A careful presentation of the ready-developed

ecocirc system, see RF 1943c.


1948-03-09 Employment and economic stability in the post war world, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 14 pp.

Co-authored by Gunnar Bøe and Trygve Haavelmo. Draft material for the UN Sub-Commission on

Employment and Economic Stability.


1948-04-27 Influencing balances of payments through changes in prices and exchange-rates and through quantitative import restrictions, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 41 pp.

Partly incorporated in 1948-10-21.


1948-05-05 En statistisk analyse av bakeprøver [A statistical analysis of bakery samples],

Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 9 pp.

Reproduced from RF1945b.


1948-05-10 Kjøpepresset og etterspørgernes tilpassing når det finnes kvantumsbegrensete goder [The buying pressure and the adaptation of the demanders when there are goods in short supply], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 6 pp.

See also 1949-03-07.


1948-05-23 The cleavings of a univariate measurement into two factors, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 7 pp.

Co-authored by Erling Sverdrup.


1948-08-27 Finanskomiteen i De forente staters senat. Hearingen av Dr. Charles F. Roos i forbindelse med vedtaket om skattereduksjonen våren 1948 [The Finance Committee of the United States' Senate. The hearing of Dr. Charles F. Roos in

connection with the resolution of tax reductions in the spring of 1948], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 14 pp.

A brief foreword by Ragnar Frisch in which he writes among others (translated): The economic states of affairs prevailing in the United States are so different from those prevailing in Norway that one can hardly transfer to our country the judgements and

conclusions of the hearing. However, we have much to learn concerning the professional standard of the discussions.


1948-10-02 Converging dyadic approximations by means of partially unknown elements,

Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 13 pp.


1948-10-08 Optimum institutions, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 3 pp.

Summary of a discussion between Trygve Haavelmo, Lawrence R. Klein and Ragnar Frisch on October 4, 1948.


1948-10-21 Measuring national advantages and disadvantages caused by changes in the international price structure, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 34 pp.

Assisted by Just Faaland and Per Sivle Tveite. The first part is, with minor changes, taken from1948-04-27. The study got attention in the Norwegian press. A number of newspapers gave a short report of the analysis, see among others Aftenposten (editorial) 13.12.48. Later an intensive newspaper debate evolved with numerous newspaper articles in January and February 1949. By and large the analysis was received positively by Labour Party newspapers and strongly negatively - even in part maliciously - by non-socialist papers. The former were comforted by learning that much of the troubles experienced by the Labour Government after the war had been caused by forces outside the Government's control. The latter, however, found the troubles in question to be caused by more or less incompetent planners in the socialist Government.


1948-11-04 Hva er en økonomisk modell? [What is an economic model?], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 3 pp.

Notes from a conversation with Preben Munthe on what kind of relations has to be added to the ecocirc system to make it an economic model.


1948-11-06a Autonomy of economic relations, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 60 pp.

Reproduced articles or excerpts by R. Frisch, T. Haavelmo, T. C. Koopmans and J. Tinbergen.

The reproduced parts by Frisch are RF1938e and RF1948d, 38-42.


1948-11-20 Den multinomiale fordelingslov [The multinomial law of distribution], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 15 pp.


1948-11-21 Noen prinsipielle og terminologiske merknader til den matematiske statistikk [Some fundamental and terminological remarks about mathematical statistics], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 3 pp.

Response to Frisch's remarks was given by Per Ottestad in a memorandum dated, 1948-12-11.


 1948-11-22 On the distribution of a sum of squares over a linear subspace, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 7 pp.


 1948-11-23 Statistiske fordelingslover for en variabel [Statistical single-variable laws of distribution], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 62 pp.


1948-12-09 Subsidielikningssystemet [The subsidy equation system], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo,

16 pp.

An equation system with a specific view to discussing possible variable constellations with subsidization in focus. The system consisted of 13 book-keeping equations in 20 variables.


 1948-12-13 En standard-disposisjon for den økonometriske oppgave [A standard outline for the econometric paper], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 7 pp.


1948-12-22 Work on national accounting done at the University Institute of Economics, Oslo, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 4 pp.

The memo gave a survey of the development of the ecocirc system from the very beginning in 1932 to the final presentation in Frisch et al 1948-03-08. Towards the end of the survey Frisch wrote that the Institute work on the accounting system and

the system of concepts had all the time been inspired by the idea that this was only a stepping stone to a study of the structural relations (production relations, consumption relations etc) of the economy.


1949-01-11 Kondensert liste over variable i modellen: "Optimalskattsystemet" [A condenced list of variables in the model: "The optimum tax system"], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 2 pp.

See 1949-02-14.


1949-02-07 Det asymptotiske behov for arbeidskraft [The asymptotical need for  ],  Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 3 pp.


1949-02-08 Gjenpart av del av utredning av 1948-12-22 (p.4) fra Næringsøkonomisk Forskningsinstitutt ang. Universitetets Sosialøkonomiske Institutts memorandum av 1948-10-21; og Gjenpart av professor Frisch' svarbrev av 1949-01-07 [Copy of part of an exposition of 1948-12-22 (p.4) from Næringsøkonomisk Forskningsinstitutt concerning the Memorandum 1948-10-21; and Copy of Professor Frisch's letter of reply of 1949-01-07], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 3 pp.

The Research Institute of Industrial Economics by its Director Morten Tuveng had given a strongly negative judgement of the work by Frisch et al. 1948-10-21, Morgenbladet (editorial) 1949-01-13b. In the memo Director Tuveng explains his disagreement with some points of the Institute’s analysis; Frisch rejected Tuveng's criticism.


1949-02-14 Foreløpig rapport nr. 2 om arbeidet med optimalskattsystemet [A preliminary report No 2 on the work on the optimum tax system], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 12 pp.

Cf. 1949-01-11. The memo gave results from some calculations of cases with regulated labour market. A preliminary report No 3 was announced to discuss cases with unregulated labour market. It seems that neither a report No 3 nor a final presentation ever appeared.


1949-02-19 Hvorledes likvidmassen hos publikum kan beregnes [How the mass of liquid assets held by the general public can be estimated], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 22+2 pp.

Assisted by A. Amundsen.


1949-03-07 Kjøpepress, prispress og kvantumspress [Buying pressure, price pressure and quantity pressure], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 46 pp.

Buying pressure was dealt with in RF1933d (English translation RF1951c) and also in some memos, among others in 1947-10-03, 1948-01-18 and 1948-05-10.  The concept had recently been discussed critically in an expert group, including Professor Haavelmo.


1949-03-13 Samfunnsøkonomi og økonomisk demokrati [Economics and economic democracy], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 45 pp.

See 1949-09-28.


1949-03-21 Betalingsmiddelforskyvninger hos publikum [Shifts of the means of payments in the private sector], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 4 pp. Assisted by A. Amundsen

Is part of 1949-03-24.


1949-03-24 Betalingsmiddelforskyvninger hos publikum. Litt om hvorledes de kan beregnes og noen tilleggsmerknader om de årsaker som kan virke på dem [Shifts of the means of payment in the private sector. Some considerations about how they can be estimated and some additional remarks on causes which can act on them], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 31 pp. Assisted by A. Amundsen


1949-03-28 Price-wage-tax policies as instruments in maintaining optimal employment - A working paper, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 58 pp. Assisted by Svein Brenna, Thor Johnsen and Sven Vigger.

Identical with the first seven sections of the UN Document E/CN.1/Sub.2/13. See also Frisch 1949-09-23, 1949-09-28, 1953-02-12 and RF1955f.


1949-04-20 Repercussion studies at Oslo, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 7 pp.

Reproduced from RF1948d.


 1949-05-03 Noen grunnproblemer i velferdsanalysen [Some basic problems in the welfare analysis], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 18 pp.


1949-05-24 Svar på spørsmål om pris-lønns-skatt-subsidiesystemet [Answers to questions on the price-wage-tax-subsidy system], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 2 pp.


 1949-06-08 Utdrag fra et særvotum i De Forente Nasjoners underkommisjon for sysselsetting og økonomisk stabilitet [Extract from a special vote in the United Nations' Sub-Commission for Employment and Economic Stability], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 3 pp.


1949-09-20 Vil devalueringen minske Norges dollarinntekter? [Will the devaluation reduce Norway's dollar income?], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 4 pp.


1949-09-23 Mathematical appendix to a memorandum on price-wage-tax-subsidy policies as instruments in maintaining optimal employment, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 28 pp. Assisted by Svein Brenna, Thor Johnsen and Sven Vigger.

See also Frisch 1949-03-28, 1949-09-28. The memo was later published as RF1955f.  The model in the present memo was later

named the Oslo Sub-Model.


1949-09-26 Innledningsmerknader ved begynnelsen av forelesningene over reperkusjonsanalyse [Introductory remarks at the start of the lectures on repercussion analysis], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 7 pp.


1949-09-28a Om desisjonsmodeller [On decision models], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 12 pp.


1949-09-28b Tilleggsliste over variable og relasjoner i "submodellen" [Additional list of variables and relations in the "Sub-Model"], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 2 pp.

See Frisch 1949-09-23.


1949-10-08 Attempt at clarification of certain national income concepts, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 14 pp.


1949-10-16 Axiomatic remarks on some national income concepts, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo,

11 pp.

Copy of a letter to Richard Stone.


1949-10-24 Reperkusjons-spill. Eksempel 1 - "Arbeiderregjeringens" politikk [Repercussion games. Example 1 - The policy of "the Labour Party Government"], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 4 pp.

Notes by Per Kleppe and Arne Amundsen. The policy of "the Labour Party Government" is defined. Further discussions are presented in Frisch 1949-10-29, see also Frisch 1950-01-23 with references to related repercussion games.


 1949-10-29 Reperkusjons-spill. Eksempel 1 - "Arbeiderregjeringens" politikk [Repercussion games. Example 1 - The policy of "the Labour Party Government"], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 10 pp.

Assisted by Svein Brenna and Sven Vigger. The policy of "the Labour Party Government" is defined in Frisch 1949-10-24.

See also Frisch 1950-01-23 with references to related repercussion games.


1949-11-02 Reperkusjons-spill. Eksempel 2 - "Høyreregjeringens" politikk [Repercussion games. Example 2 - The policy of "the Conservative Party Government"], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 3 pp.

Notes by Arild Holland, Per Krog, Oddvar Omre and David Vikøren. The policy of "the Conservative Party Government" is defined here, and discussed further in 1949-11-05, see also Frisch 1950-01-23.


 1949-11-05 Reperkusjons-spill. Eksempel 2 - "Høyreregjeringens" politikk [Repercussion games. Example 2 - The policy of "the Conservative Party Government"], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 6 pp.

With Sven Vigger. The policy of "the Conservative Party Government" is defined in Frisch 1949-11-02 IDa and is discussed further in the present memo. See also 1950-01-23 with references to related repercussion games.


 1949-11-10 Reperkusjons-spill. Eksempel 3 - Formuleringen av "venstreregjeringens" politikk [Repercussion games. Example 3 - The formulation of the policy of "the Liberal Party Government"], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 2 pp.

Notes by Rolf Høgsæt, Trygve Mølmen and Bjørn Thalberg. The policy of "the Liberal Party Government" is formulated in the present memo and is further discussed in Frisch 1949-11-12.


1949-11-12 Reperkusjons-spill [Repercussion games], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 5 pp.

Notes by Per Kleppe and Sven Vigger. The policy of "the Liberal Party Government" is defined in Frisch 1949-11-10 (example 3). Implications of this policy are discussed in the present memo. On pp 3-5 of the present memo a version of the policy

of "the Labour Party Government" is formulated (example 4). Implications of this formulation are discussed in 1949-11-18.


1949-11-16 Remarks on multicompensatory trade, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 2 pp.


 1949-11-18 Reperkusjons-spill. Eksempel 4 - Konsekvenser av "arbeiderregjeringens" politikk [Repercussion games. Example 4 - Implications of the policy of "the Labour Party Government"], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 4 pp.

Notes by Arne Amundsen and Sven Vigger. A version of the policy of "the Labour Party Government" (example 4) is formulated on pp 3-5 of 1949-11-12.


1949-11-25 Reperkusjons-spill. Konsekvenser av den politikken som er angitt i spill nr. 5, nr. 6 og nr. 7 [Repercussion games. Implications of the policies presented in the games Nos 5, 6 and 7], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 5 pp.

Notes by Arne Amundsen and Sven Vigger. The games Nos 5, 6 and 7 are presented in Frisch 1949-11-12.


1949-12-14 Foreløpig rapport til Matematikkutvalget av Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Forskningsråd om numerisk løsning av store lineære likningssystemer [Preliminary report to Matematikkutvalget av Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Forskningsråd on solving numerically large linear equation systems], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 8 pp.


1950-01-18 Memorandum on optimum forms of liberalization and on multicompensatory trade, Submitted to the UN Sub-Commission on Employment and Economic Stability, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 6 pp.

UN Document E/CN.1/Sub.2/15, 1950-24-01. The memo specifies, in general terms, some conditions which a policy towards liberalization should fulfil and suggests for the Sub-Commission to consider the problem of the optimum form of



 1950-01-21 Inversjon av lineære likningssystemer [Inversion of linear equation systems],Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 4 pp.

With Gustav Leunbach.


1950-01-23 Determineringsskjemaet som hjelpemiddel under spesifiseringen av desisjonsmodellen [The determination form as a tool for specifying the decision model], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 9 pp.

Assisted by Arne Amundsen and Hans Jacob Kreyberg. From the introductory passage (translated ): "In Frisch 1949-11-05 p 5 a short classification is given as to the distinction in principle between assumption parameters, target parameters and instrument

parameters. We shall use the determination form (italicized here) to make the meaning of assumptions, targets and means as clear as possible. The form is illustrated by demonstrating how to use it on some of the examples which were treated in the repercussion games (gone through in the autumn term of 1949)", see 1949-10-24, 1949-10-29, 1949-11-02, 1949-11-10, 1949-11-12, 1949-11-18

and 1949-11-25.


1950-01-24 Nøklefunksjonsmetoden for dekomponering av tidsrekker [The key function method for decomposing time series], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 4 pp.

A brief summary of the key function method for decomposing time series. A more complete treatment is given in the articles Frisch RF1928a, RF1931e and RF1934b.


1950-01-27 Skisse til optimalavl på fremmedbestøvede planter [An outline of an optimum breeding on cross-pollinated plants], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 8 pp.


1950-02-03 Hovedsynspunkter for arbeidet med den økonomiske samgripingsanalyse (desisjonsmodellen) [Main aspect of the work on the economic interaction analysis (the decision model)], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 13 pp.

A passage of the present memorandum (translated): "The first stage of the work on the Oslo interaction model - the first approach towards a comprehensive decision model – we now consider completed. The main result is presented in the UN memorandum by Frisch of April, 1949 and in a series of more special memoranda (listed on p. 13 in the present memo). Now we are working on the second stage. A closer description of the plans is given in Frisch 1949c and in the present memorandum." Under the work on the general interacting problems Frisch claims that there have been observed a number of serious misapprehensions. He gives a list of four such misapprehensions and argues strongly against each of them. The final outcome of the second stage became the Oslo

Median Model. A critical discussion of the present memorandum is given in Farmand(editorial) 1950-02-25, and 1950-03-11.


1950-02-06 Aksiomatisk oppbygging av inntektsbegrepet og dets bestanddeler i en ikke-isolert sektor [Axiomatic building up of the income concept and its components in a non-isolated sector], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 6 pp.

The notation used is in all essentials in accordance with the one that was adopted in earlier works on the ecocirc system, see e.g. Frisch 1948-03-08. The concepts defined were supposed to be used in the decision model foreshadowed in 1950-02-03.


1950-02-07 Sumfunksjonen og fraktilfunksjonen [The cumulative function and the percentile function], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 10 pp.


 1950-02-16 Skisse til organiseringen av et matematisk-statistisk forsknings- og undervisningsinstitutt i Norge [An outline of the organizing of a mathematical-statistical research and teaching institute in Norway], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 2 pp.


 1950-02-19 Stabilitetsbedømmelse ved hjelp av Poissons fordeling [Assessment of stability by means of the Poisson distribution], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 4 pp.


1950-03-07 Fra førkrigstid til etterkrisetid i sosialøkonomikken [From pre-war time to post-depression time in economics], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 7 pp.

Reprinted from Studentene 1913, Oslo 1938.


1950-03-11 Fordelingen av største og minste kjennemerkeverdi ved gjentatte observasjoner [The distribution of highest and lowest observation in case of repeted samples], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 16 pp.


 1950-03-29 Notater til teoretisk statistikk. Ekskurs 103. Tchebycheffs ulikhet [Notes on theoretical statistics. Excursus 103. Chebyshev's inequality], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 11 pp.


 1950-03-30 Notater til teoretisk statistikk. Ekskurs 106. Nærmere om den binomiale fordeling [Notes on theoretical statistics. Excursus 106. Further about the binomial distribution], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 10 pp.


 1950-04-09 Notater til teoretisk statistikk. Ekskurs 107. Terminologi og grunnbegreper i estimeringsteorien [Notes on theoretical statistics. Excursus 107. Terminology and basic concepts in the theory of estimation], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 10 pp.


1950-04-11 A summary of some of Professor Haavelmo's publications, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 4 pp.

Assisted by Hans Jacob Kreyberg.


1950-04-17 Rapport nr. 2 til matematikkmaskinutvalget om det forberedende arbeid med en iterasjonsmetode til numerisk løsning av store lineære likningssystemer ved hjelp av hullkortmaskiner [Report no 2 to the computer committee on the preparatory work on an iteration method for solving numerically large linear equation systems by means of punching machines], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 3pp.


1950-04-18 Professor Tinbergen's Wage-and-Devaluation model, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo,

7 pp.


1950-04-19 Memorandum on optimum forms of liberalization and on multicompensatory trade, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 6 pp.


1950-04-28 Notater til teoretisk statistikk. Ekskurs 202. Er det stokastisk sett noe oppnådd ved å få flere opplysninger? Og hva er det i tilfelle som oppnås? [Notes on theoretical statistics. Excursus 202. Is it from a stochastic point of view something achieved by getting more information? And if so, what is achieved?], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 8 pp.


 1950-05-09 Notater til teoretisk statistikk. Ekskurs 204. Lineære regresjoner [Notes on theoretical statistics. Excursus 204. Linear regressions], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 15 pp.


 1950-05-14 Notat om reformer i den personlige inntekts- og formuesskatt [A note on reforms of the income tax and the wealth tax of individuals], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 5 pp.


1950-05-22 Markoffs teorem om hvorledes de elementære regresjoner kan begrunnes estimeringsmessig [Markoff's theorem on how the elementary regressions can be substantiated], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 14 pp.

Cf. 1951-02-06.


1950-08-08 Variansanalyse for data som danner et fullstendig kryssløp [Analysis of variance for a complete data matrix], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 51 pp.


1950-09-06 Numerisk løsning av store lineære likningssystemer [Numerical solution of large linear equation systems], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 8 pp.

Assisted by Sven Vigger.


 1950-09-12 Økonomisk kryssløpsanalyse - Referat av professor Frisch' forelesninger i høstsemesteret 1950 [Economic input-output analysis - Notes of Professor Frisch's lectures in the autumn term of 1950], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 12 pp.

Lecture notes by Bjørn Thalberg.


1950-09-13 Disposisjon til "Innføring i teoretisk statistikk del 1: Elementer av den matematiske statistikk" [An outline of "An introduction to theoretical statistics part I: Elements of mathematical statistics"], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 9 pp.


1950-09-15 Økonomisk kryssløpsanalyse - Referat av professor Frisch' forelesninger i høstsemestret 1950 [Economic input-output analysis - Notes of Professor Frisch's lectures in the autumn term of 1950], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 20 pp.

Lecture notes by Alette Rømming and Bjørn Thalberg.


1950-09-16a En analyse av forbruksøkonomien (etterspørselsstrukturen) i Norge [An analysis of the economics of consumption (the demand structure) in Norway], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 12 pp.


1950-09-16b De statistiske grunnbegreper [The basic statistical concepts], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 22 pp.


1950-09-18a Nomenklaturen for analysen av forbruksøkonomien i Norge [The nomenclature for the analysis of the economics of consumption in Norway], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 6 pp.


1950-09-18b Økonomisk kryssløpsanalyse - Referat av professor Frisch' forelesninger i høstsemestret 1950 [Economic input-output analysis - Notes of Professor Frisch's lectures in the autumn term of 1950], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 13 pp.

Lecture notes by Alette Rømming and Bjørn Thalberg.


1950-09-21 Økonomisk kryssløpsanalyse - Referat av professor Frisch' forelesninger i høstsemestret 1950 [Economic input-output analysis - Notes of Professor Frisch's lectures in the autumn term of 1950], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 10 pp.

Lecture notes by Alette Rømming and Bjørn Thalberg.


1950-09-26 Økonomisk kryssløpsanalyse - Referat av professor Frisch' forelesninger i høstsemestret 1950 [Economic input-output analysis - Notes of Professor Frisch's lectures in the autumn term of 1950], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 13 pp.

Lecture notes by Alette Rømming and Bjørn Thalberg. This memo contains a resumé of the preceding sections, a supplementary note written by Ragnar Frisch, a note written at Driebergen on Sept. 28 1950 after discussions with among others Professor Leontief, a review of notes of Frisch's lectures on input-output analysis, and finally a table of contents covering all stenciled lecture notes of Frisch's lectures on input-output analysis in the autumn term of 1950.


1951-01-05 Forbrukertype og aggregeringsproblemer [Consumer type and aggregation problems], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 6 pp.

Assisted by Alette Rømming and Thor Johnsen. A note on the front page (translated):

"(Report from a conference 1951-01-03 in the working group for the consumer economy

of Norway. Present: Frisch, Johnsen and Miss Rømming.)"


1951-01-11 Statens plikt til cirkulasjonsregulering [The Government's obligation to circulation regulation], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 35 pp.

A statement in parenthesis on the front cover: "Nedtegnet i hast 10. - 12. desember 1932" [Put down in haste 10 - 12 December 1932]. The memo was at that time labelled "not for publication". It was distributed confidentially to a number of distinguished politicians and bank people and was discussed in a meeting as well. "It was a miserable meeting. I had the impression that to put forward these thoughts in that circle was as to run one's head against the wall. Those who now ordinarily deal with such concepts as the national budget and the national accounts, trade cycle regulating taxes, trade cycle regulating account in the Central Bank of Norway, ..., etc, etc, will hardly understand how the situation was in 1932." (from the preface, translated.) Reprinted (slightly shortened) in RF1995b.


1951-01-31 Kort notat om determinantregning [A short note on determinants], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 12 pp.


1951-02-06 Markoffs teorem om hvorledes en elementær empirisk regresjon kan begrunnes estimeringsmessig [Markov's theorem on how an elementary empirical regression can be substantiated], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 19 pp.

A note on p 1 (translated): ‘The present memo constitutes paragraph 74 of "Elements ofthe mathematical statistics". It replaces Memo 1950-05-22.’ The memo was part of chapter 7, "Regression analysis", following after 71. Empirical regressions, 72. Stochastic regressions, 73. The normal regression, as 74. Markov's theorem on how an elementary empirical regression can be substantiated.


1951-02-08 Tetthet og masse ved en statistisk fordeling [Density and mass of a probabilitydistribution], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 25 pp.

A note on the front page (translated): Paragraph 21 of "Elements of mathematical statistics".


1951-02-13 Sammenhengen mellom produksjonselastisiteter og produksjonskoeffisienter [The connection between production elasticities and production coefficients], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 4 pp.


1951-02-15 En iterasjonsmetode for numerisk løsning av kryssløpslikningene [An iterative method for numerical solution of the input-output equations], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 13 pp.


1951-02-18 Prøverekning på numerisk løsning av kryssløpslikningene [A test calculation on numerical solution of the input-output equations], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 16 pp.

With Odd Aukrust.


1951-02-19 Numerisk løsning og sifferkontroll ved store lineære likningssystemer [Numerical solution and accuracy control of large linear equation systems], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 26 pp.


1951-02-21 Generelt om avledete fordelingslover [On derived probability distributions], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 75 pp.

Note on page 1 (translated): Paragraph 25 of "Elements of the mathematiocal statistics".


1951-02-28 Numerisk løsning av kryssløpslikningene når produksjonskoeffisientene ikke er konstante [Numerical solution of the input-output equations when the production coefficients are not constant], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 9 pp.


1951-03-05 Kontrollmetoder ved iterasjonsløsning av store lineære likningssystemer [Checking methods when solving iteratively large linear equation systems], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 5 pp.


 1951-03-17 Seleksjons-iterasjonsmetoden og en prospektiv restleddsformel ved numerisk løsning av store lineære likningssystemer [The selection-iteration method and a prospective remainder formula for numerical solution of large linear equation systems], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 8 pp.


 1951-05-10 Rapport til Matematikkmaskinutvalget av Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Forskningsråd om utført forsøksarbeid med numerisk løsning av store lineære likningssystemer [Report to Matematikkmaskinutvalget av Norges Teknisk- Naturvitenskapelige Forskningsråd about experimental work done on solving numerically large linear equation systems], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 3 pp.


1951-05-23 Numerisk løsning av store lineære likningssystemer [Solving numerically large linear equation systems], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 5 pp.

Copy of a letter of 17 March 1951 to Harold Hotelling from Ragnar Frisch and copy of a letter of 19 April 1951 from Harold Hotelling to Ragnar Frisch.


1951-06-09 Hypoteseprøving på grunnlag av antallet av forskjellige iakttakelser [Hypothesis testing on the basis of the number of different observations], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 133 pp.

Cf. 1952-04-25.


1951-06-18 Aggregeringsproblemet fra produksjonsteoretisk synspunkt [The aggregation problem from the standpoint of the theory of production], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 14 pp.

Later published as RF1958a (Festschrift to Frederik Zeuthen).


1951-06-19 Proporsjonalitetsforenklet kryssløpsberegning [A proportionally simplified input-output computation], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 8 pp.


1951-06-25 Regresjonsbestemmelse kontra gruppeberegningsbestemmelse av Engel-elastisiteten [Determination of the Engel elasticity by regression versus by group calculation], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 3 pp.


1951-09-10 Estimeringsteori - Avsnitt 51-55 av "Elementer av den matematiske statistikk" [Theory of estimation - Paragraphs 51-55 of "Elements of mathematical statistics"], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 91 pp.

Lectures by Ragnar Frisch. Elaborated notes by Leif Johansen.


1951-09-20 L'emploi des modèles pour l'élaboration d'une politique économique rationnelle, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 51 pp.

Note on the front page: "Extrait de la Revue d'Économie Politique Nos 5 et 6, Paris 1950", cf RF1950c.


1951-09-26 Investment and consumption as factors in economic cycles, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 6 pp.

In this paper, which according to a note on the front page was written in 1934, Frisch dealt with two seemingly contradicting observations. One was made by Wesley C. Mitchell and J. M. Clark separately, indicating that capital production moved approximately in step with the growth rate of consumption. J. Tinbergen maintained, however, that he had found a strong connection between capital production and the size of consumption, but either no influence at all, or even a negative rather than a

positive influence from the consumption growth rate. Frisch believed that the explanation to this apparent incompatibility must be that Mitchell and Clark had considered the relation between capital-starting and consumption, while Tinbergen had studied the

relation between the carry-on-activity (of capital production) and consumption. Frisch discussed this hypothesis within his propagation-impulse model and seems to arrive at a affirmative conclusion, see RF1931b and RF1933i.


1951-09-30 Fordeling av stikkprøver over strata når formålet er størst mulig sikkerhet i prediksjonen av en totalhyppighet [Distribution of random samples over strata when the objective is maximum reliability in the prediction of a total frequency], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 4 pp.


1951-10-01 Spesielle fordelingslover. Hefte I - Avsnitt 26, 27 og 31 - 34 av "Elementer av den matematiske statistikk" [Several probability distributions. Volume I - The paragraphs 26, 27 and 31 - 34 of "Elements of mathematical statistics"], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 92 pp.


1951-12-15 Knut Wicksell. A cornerstone in modern economic theory, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 46 pp.

Frisch paid homage to Knut Wicksell. Later printed as "Frisch on Wicksell", see RF1952c.


1952-02-15 Konferanse om statistikkpensumet for de sosialøkonomiske studenter [Conference on the syllabus in statistics for students in economics], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 3 pp.

Participants: Ragnar Frisch, Trygve Haavelmo, Leif Johansen and Tore Thonstad.


1952-02-17 Lineær programmering - Referat av professor Ragnar Frisch's forelesning

15. februar 1952 [Linear programming - Report of Professor Ragnar

Frisch's lecture February 15 1952], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 15 pp.

Notes by Leif Johansen.


 1952-02-22 Spesielle fordelingslover. Hefte II - Kap. 4 av "Elementer av den

matematiske statistikk" [Several probability distributions. Volume II -

Chapter 4 of "Elements of mathematical statistics"], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 186 pp.

Assisted by Leif Johansen.


1952-03-11 Konferanse om statistikkpensumet for de sosialøkonomiske studenter [Conference on the syllabus in statistics for students of economics], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 2 pp.

Participants: Ragnar Frisch, Trygve Haavelmo and Alette Hanssen-Bauer.


1952-03-19 Betalingsmiddelforskyvninger mellom sektorer i et lands næringsliv [Shifts of the means of payments among sectors in a country's trades and industries], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 42 pp.

In co-operation with Arne Amundsen. Subtitle: En prinsipiell utredning med anvendelse på data for Norge 1948. Bilag til Innstilling fra Penge- og Finansrådet, januar 1952 [A fundamental discussion with application on data for Norway 1948. Supplement to Report

from Penge- og Finansrådet, January 1952].


1952-04-25 The occurrence test, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 52 pp.

Cf. 1951-06-09 and 1952-05-02.


1952-05-02 Beleggtallsberegning [Calculation of occurrence numbers], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 16 pp.

Cf. 1952-04-25 .


1952-08-09 Hypoteseprøvingsteori - Kap. 6 av "Elementer av den matematiske statistikk" [Theory of hypothesis testing - Chapt. 6 of "Elements of mathematical statistics"], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 100 pp.

Lectures by Ragnar Frisch. Elaborated notes by Leif Johansen.


 1952-10-04 Forskningsplanmøte 23. september 1952 om kryssløpsanalyse med særlig anvendelse på norske forhold [Research plan conference September 23, 1952 on input-output analysis with particular application to Norwegian conditions], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 13 pp.

Participants in the conference: From the Central Bureau of Statistics, Oslo: Leiv Vidvei; from the Economic Policy Department: Hermod Skånland and Robert F. Nordén; and from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo: Ragnar Frisch, Leif Johansen,

Hans Jacob Kreyberg and Sven Vigger.


1952-10-24 Innholdsfortegnelse for "Innføring i teoretisk statistikk del I: Elementer av den matematiske statistikk" [List of contents for "Introduction to theoretical statistics part I: Elements of mathematical statistics"], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 9 pp.


1952-11-06a Reperkusjonsanalytiske problemer som kan studeres på grunnlag av vare- og tjenestetilgangen oppdelt etter tilrekningsandeler, hovedkategorier av goder og næringssektorer [Repercussion-analytical problems which can be studied

on the basis of the flow of goods and services divided by shares of input requirements, main categories of goods, and industry sectors], Professor Ragnar Frisch's forelesninger i høstsemesteret 1952 [Professor Ragnar Frisch's lectures in the autumn of 1952], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 156 pp.

Lectures in the autumn term of 1952, further touched up in the spring term of 1953. Elaborated notes by Leif Johansen.


1952-11-06b Reperkusjonsanalytiske problemer som kan studeres på grunnlag av vare- og tjenestetilgangen oppdelt etter tilrekningsandeler, hovedkategorier av goder og næringssektorer [Repercussion-analytical problems which can be studied

on the basis of the flow of goods and services divided by shares of input requirements, main categories of goods, and industry sectors], Professor Ragnar Frisch's forelesninger i høstsemesteret 1952 [Professor Ragnar Frisch's lectures in the autumn term of 1952], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 9 pp.

Lecture notes by Leif Johansen.


1952-11-14 Forskningsplanmøte 28. oktober 1952 om de næringsdrivendes inntektsstruktur i Norge [Research Plan Conference October 28 1952 on the income structure of the trades-folk in Norway], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 17 pp.

Besides staff from the Institute of Economics there were representatives from the Norwegian Union of Commercial and

Office Employers, Oslo Taxation Authorities, the Price Directorate, the Inspector of Taxes in Akerhus, the Statistical Office in the Municipality of Oslo, and the Central Bureau of Statistics.


1952-11-18 Forslag til norsk matematisk-statistisk nomenklatur [Proposal to a Norwegian mathematical-statistical nomenclature], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 11pp.

The Statistical Association of Norway appointed in October 1950 a committee consisting of Svein Brenna, Ragnar Frisch, Olav Reiersøl and Erling Sverdrup, to put forward a proposal of "words and expressions from theoretical statistics which ought to be translated into the Nordic langages in the first round".


1952-12-22 Jamføring mellom iterasjonsmetoden og eliminasjonsmetoden til løsning av store lineære likningssystemer [A comparison of the iterative method and the elimination method for solving large linear equation systems], Notat til

medlemmene av Matematikkmaskinutvalget [Note to the members of Matematikkmaskinutvalget], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 10 pp.


1953-01-14 En to-parametrig monoton strekningstransformasjon for grafisk framstilling når den ene eller begge de variable kan anta meget store verdier [A two-parametric monotonous stretching transformation for graphic representation when one variable or both can have very large values], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 6 pp.           

Assisted by Thor Johnsen. A stretching transformation means a transformation which – if it is one-sided and horisontal - reduces (visually) the steepness of the curve.


1953-01-26 Noen forskjellige slags priser som kan brukes ved verdsetting av statuspostene og deres forandringer [Different kinds of prices which can be used for evaluating the items of the balance sheet and their changes], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 7 pp.


 1953-02-12 Price-wage-tax-subsidy policies as instruments in maintaining optimal employment - A memorandum on analytical machinery to be used in discussions on causes of and remedies to unemployment, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 65 pp.

The model was named the (Oslo) Sub-Model. Footnote on p 1: "Originally submitted as a memorandum to the United Nations Sub-Commission on Employment and Economic Stability 18 April 1949". The identification of the UN Document: E/CN.1/Sub.2/13, see

1949-04-18, 1949-03-28, 1949-09-23, 1949-09-28b and RF1955f.


1953-03-24 Ekstrakt fra memorandum av 6. november 1952. Om reperkusjonsanalytiske problemer [Extract from memorandum of 6 November 1952. On repercussion-analytical problems], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 156 pp.

Frisch's lectures in the autumn term of 1952, further touched up in the spring term of 1953. Elaborated notes by Leif Johansen, see also 1952-11-06a.


1953-04-08 Samfunnsmodell anvendt i en analyse av hvordan de økonomiske faktorer griper inn i hverandre [A model of the society used in an analysis of how the economic factors interact], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 14 pp.

Lecture given at the annual meeting in Norges almenvitenskapelige forskningsråd April 8, 1953.


 1953-04-18 Regresjonsteori. Pkt. 71a og 74a-h av "Elementer av den matematiske statistikk". [Regression theory. Section 71a and 74a-h of "Elements of mathematical statistics"], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 34 pp.


1953-05-20 Et plausibelt prinsipp for valg av inverse vekter [A plausible principle for choice of inverse weights], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 2 pp.


1953-06-25 Some basic principles of price of living measurements, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo,

19 pp.

The introductory sentences: "The following is an attempt to discuss some basic principles of cost of living measurements in a form which is stripped of mathematical technicalities. Emphasis is placed on the meaning of the magnitudes that enter into the computations and on a discussion of why we perform certain computational operations on these magnitudes." The lines of thought of the paper were presented originally to economics students at Oslo. In 1947 they were given in an address to students and faculty members at Harvard and Princeton. Later published as RF1954b.


1953-08-17 On welfare theory and Pareto regions, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 65 pp.

This original English issue was presented as an appendix to a paper "From national accounts to macro-economic decision models" (see RF1955b), read at the meeting of the International Association for Research in Income and Wealth, at Castelgandolfo

(near Rome), 1-6 September 1953. A French translation was published in 1954, see RF1954d, the original English version was published as RF 1959c.


1953-08-27 From national accounts to macro-economic decision models, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 27 pp.

Note to the title: "A synopsis of ideas to be presented at the meeting of the International Association for Research in Income and Wealth, Rome, September 1953". Published as RF1955b.


1953-10-15 Matematisk teori for maksima og minima [Mathematical theory for maxima and minima], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 130 pp.

Assisted by Leif Johansen. Lecture notes and drafts for lectures given in the autumn term of 1953. Published (in French) in collaboration with A. Nataf as RF1960d and later in English as RF1966f.


1953-10-18 Logaritmepotensialmetoden til løsning av lineære programmeringsproblemer [The logarithmic potential method for solving linear programming problems], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 11 pp.

See 1954-10-18 IDa for references to other works on the logarithmic potential method. Pp. 9-11 of the present memo is a supplement which in the main is reproduced from RF1934a, subsection 23, pp. 430-435.


1953-11-07 Litt analytisk geometri i flere dimensjoner [Some multi-dimensional analytic geometry], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 13 pp.


1953-11-13 Substitumalutforming av logaritmepotensialmetoden til løsning av lineære programmeringsproblemer [Substitumal formulation of the logarithmic potential method for solving linear programming problems], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 3 pp.

For references to other works on the logarithmic potential methods, see 1954-10-18.


1953-11-20 Innledning til produksjonsteorien. Annet hefte [Introduction to the theory of production. Second part], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 119 pp.

The second part was originally promised for the so-called sixth editoon in 1941.


1953-11-27 Levekostnad og levestandard [Cost of living and standard of living], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 21 pp.

Three radio speeches given in the autumn 1953.


1953-12-04 Leveprisberegning når det foreligger husholdningsregnskapsdata i hvert tidspunkt [Cost of living calculation when data from housekeeping accounts are available at every point of time], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 3 pp.


1953-12-15 Konvergensskjerping ved gruppedannelser under enveis-iterasjonsløsning av lineære likningssystemer [Speeding up the convergence by creating groups under one-way iterative solving of linear equation systems], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 3 pp.


1954-01-14 Notater i forbindelse med logaritmepotensialmetoden til løsning av lineære programmeringsproblemer [Notes in connection with the logarithmic potential method for solving linear programming problems], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo. 48 pp.

See 1954-10-18 IDa for references to other works on the logarithmic potential method.


1954-02-22 Hvis det gjøres en oppfinnelse eller skjer en rasjonalisering i en bestemt sektor, vil derved sektorens relative andel av nasjonalproduktet øke eller minske? [If an invention or a rationalization is made in some sector, would

then the sector's relative share of the national product increase or decrease?], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 6 pp.

Two more questions are posed: Would the sector's absolute share increase or decrease? Would its total product all together increase or decrease?


1954-03-07 Finalhopp og substitumalfølging ved lineær programmering [Final jumps and moving along the substitumal in linear programming], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 8 pp.

The substitumal, a term coined by Frisch, means the same as the expansion curve in the theory of production.


1954-03-29 Trunkering som forberedelse til finalhopp ved lineær programmering [Truncation as a preparation for a final jump in linear programming], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 6 pp.


1954-04-30 Kryssløpsanalyse - Referat av Ragnar Frisch's forelesninger holdt i høstsemestret 1953 [Input-output analysis - Notes of Ragnar Frish's lectures given in the autumn term of 1953], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 93 pp.

Lecture notes by stud. oecon. Nils Bakke and stud. oecon. Ole Bredal. Formula control and proofreading by stud. oecon. Hans Jacob Hylin. The notes read through and corrected by Ragnar Frisch. With a supplement by P. J. Bjerve.


1954-05-01 Basis-variabelmetoden til løsning av lineære programmeringsproblemer [The basis-variable method for solving linear programming problems], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 21 pp.


 1954-05-05 Simplex-metoden til løsning av lineære programmeringsproblemer [The simplex method for solving linear programming problems], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 14 pp.


1954-05-07 Generelle merknader om løsningsstrukturen ved det lineære programmeringsproblem [General remarks on the solution structure of the linear programming problem], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 12 pp.


1954-06-21 Methods of solving linear programming problems, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 91pp.

Synopsis of a lecture to be given at the International Seminar on Input-Output Analysis, Varenna (Lake Como) June - July 1954. The paper deals with both the simplex method and the logarithmic potential method.


1954-08-05 Linear expenditure functions. An expository paper, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 8 pp.

Published as RF1954a.


1954-08-13 Nye notater i forbindelse med logaritmepotensialmetoden til løsning av lineære programmeringsproblemer [New notes in connection with the logarithmic potential method for solving linear programming problems], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 74 pp.


1954-08-23 Merknad om formuleringen av det lineære programmeringsproblem [A remark on the formulation of the linear programming problem], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 3 pp.


1954-09-05 Prinsipielt om formen på hovedmatriksen for makroøkonomisk programmering [Fundamental reflections on the form of the main matrix in macro-economic programming], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 10 pp.


1954-09-10 Statistical versus theoretical relations in economic macrodynamics, Oslo,

memo DE-UO, 16 pp.

The second issue of Frisch's memorandum 1938-07-17 to the Business Cycle Conference at Cambridge, England, 18-20 July, 1938. The first issue was 1948-11-06b, cf RF1938e.


1954-09-14 Generelt om forsøkene på å nå fram til en global økonomisk analyse [General reflections on the attemts to arrive at a global economic analysis], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 12 pp.

Professor Frisch's lecture 10 September 1954. Lecture notes by Sigmund Kjos, read through and corrected by Professor Frisch.


1954-09-28 Jamføring mellom 1948-modellen og medianmodellen [A comparison between the 1948 model and the Median Model], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 17 pp.

Frisch's lectures 24 September 1954. Lecture notes by Sigmund Kjos, read through and corrected by Frisch.


1954-10-12 En generalisering av begrepet elementær regresjon [A generalization of the concept elementary regression], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 5 pp.


1954-10-18 Principles of linear programming. With particular reference to the double gradient form of the logarithmic potential method, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 219pp.

For works on the logarithmic potential method, see 1953-10-18, 1953-11-13, 1954-01-14, 1954-06-21, 1954-08-13, 1955-05-07, and 1955-05-13.


1955-03-29 A labour saving method of performing freedom truncations in linear programming. Part I, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 21 pp.

See 1955-04-15.


1955-04-13 Notes made during computational work on linear programming problems in connection with national planning, Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta, mimeographed notes, 22 pp.

The notes were produced during February-March 1955, in connection with the work on the project described in Frisch 1955-03-12.


1955-04-14 Diskriminasjon i den internasjonale handel [Discrimination in international trade], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 4 pp.

Reproduced from article by Frisch in Aftenposten, 1948-01-16.


1955-04-15 A labour saving method of performing freedom truncations in linear programming. Part II, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 8 pp.

See Frisch 1955-03-29.


1955-05-05 The elimination method for solving linear equations, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 5 pp.


1955-05-07 The logarithmic potential method for solving linear programming problems, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 16 pp.

Synopsis of an exposition to be made on 1 June 1955 in the seminar of Professor Rene Roy, Paris.


1955-05-13 The logarithmic potential method of convex programming. With particular application to the dynamics of planning for national development, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 35 pp.

Synopsis of a communication to be presented at the international colloquium in Paris 23-28 May, 1955.


1955-05-25 Linear and convex programming problems studied by means of the double gradient form of the logarithmic potential method, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 16 pp.

Synopsis of a presentation to be given in the Seminar of Professor Allais, Paris 26 May, 1955.


1955-10-11 Multiplex-metoden for løsning av lineære programmeringsproblemer [The multiplex method for solving linear programming problems], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 31 pp.


1955-10-17 The multiplex method for linear programming, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 49 pp.

Later published as RF1957b.


1956-01-02 Submodell, Medianmodell og Refimodell [Sub Model, Median Model and Refi Model], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 24 pp.

The heading of chapter I reads: "From national accounts to macro-economic decision models". Thus identical with the title of the article 1955b IDa (in Income and Wealth). However, in the present mimeographed version only the main sections immediately

connected with the interflow matrix defined in Tab. II are reproduced.


1956-01-03 The logarithmic potential method for linear programming formulated with a view to electronic computation, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 5 pp.


1956-01-10 Macroeconomics and linear programming, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 48 pp.

Published in a condensed verison as RF1956b.


1956-02-07 Skrankemodifikasjoner ved lineær programmering [Modifications of constraints in linear programming], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 13 pp.


1956-02-19 Polytomisk og dikotomisk intervjuing for å bestemme vektene i en preferanseindeks eller viktigheten av de enkelte formålsbeskrankninger ved lineær programmering [Polytomic and dichotomic interviewing in order to decide the weights in a preference index or the importance of the individual preference constraints in linear programming], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 29 pp.

Assisted by Per Meinich.


1956-03-05 Preferansefunksjonens koeffisienter bestemt på grunnlag av svarene på dikotomiske spørsmål [The coefficients of the preference function decided from the answers to dichotomic questions], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 7 pp.


1956-03-16 Om målsettingsformuleringen ved nasjonal planlegging [On the formulation of objectives in national planning], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 5 pp.

Published as RF 1957c with minor changes.


1956-09-02 Oppdelingsmetoden for beregning av den inverse av en gitt matriks [The splitting-up method for computing the inverse of a given matrix], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 4 pp.


1956-09-20 Kontrollmetoder for matriksinvertering og overføring av lineære likninger til basisform [Checking methods for matrix inversion and transforming of linear equations into a basic form], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 12 pp.


1956-09-27 Typer av regnemaskiner som er eller kan tenkes å bli tilgjengelige i Norge [Types of computers that are or may conceivably become available in Norway], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 6 pp.


1956-09-28 Innledning til produksjonsteorien, første hefte, 8. utgave [Introduction to the theory of production, first volume, eight edition], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 245 pp.

Assisted by Per Meinich.


1956-10-10 Main features of the Oslo Median Model, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 37 pp.


1956-10-15 Notes on the main organs and operation technique of the Oslo electronic computor Nusse, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 6 pp.


1956-10-18 Condensed description of the multiplex method for linear programming, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 20 pp.


1956-10-21 Supplementary remarks on the Oslo Median Model, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 27 pp.


1956-11-09 Introduction to the Oslo Median Model, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 2 pp.

The present note reproduces in the main the introductory section of Frisch 1956-10-10.


1956-11-13 Notat om pris-lønnsspiralen [A note on the price-wage spiral], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 11 pp.


1956-11-15b Kvadratisk preferansefunksjon bestemt ved intervjudata og anvendt for konveks programmering [Quadratic preference function decided from interview data and applied in convex programming], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics,  University of Oslo, 74 pp.


1957-01-07 Single step building up and building down of the inverse of a symmetric matrix, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 28 pp.


1957-01-21 The multiplex method for linear and quadratic programming, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 62 pp.


1957-02-01 The compact method for solving symmetric linear equations and inverting symmetric matrices, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 22 pp.

Cf. 1957-11-07 1958-09-30, and 1967-01-27.


1957-02-05 Normalized moments in the Oslo Median Model with explanations, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 4 pp.


1957-02-14 Numerical determination of a quadratic preference function for use in macroeconomic programming, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 37 pp.

Later published as RF1961i, reissued as RF1963f.


1957-02-26 Generalities on planning, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 26 pp.

Later published as RF1960a.


1957-04-26 The single step form of the multiplex method, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 14 pp.


1957-06-04 Oslo decision models. A summary of work done on the Sub Model, the Median Model and models of similar types, as well as a draft of the Refi Model, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 47 pp.


1957-09-11 Linear dependencies and a mechanized form of the multiplex method for linear programming, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 20 pp.


1957-11-07 A numerical example illustrating the compact method for solving symmetric linear equations, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 3 pp.

Cf. 1957-02-01, 1958-09-30 and 1967-01-27.


1957-11-14 Etterspørselslære. 1. hefte [Theory of demand. Volume 1], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 42 pp.


1958-02-07 General theory of the Kernel model, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 187 pp.

Section 11 was later issued as 1958-04-25 and still later published as RF1959a.


1958-02-20 Investeringer som kostnadselementer ved å flytte kapasitetsskranker i økonomisk lineær programmering [Investments as cost elements when moving capacity bounds in economic linear programming], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 9 pp.


1958-03-01 Etterspørselslære. 2. hefte [Theory of demand. Volume 2], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 29 pp.


1958-03-12 Den symmetrisk stabiliserte regresjon [The symmetrically stabilized regression], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 5 pp.


1958-04-25 A complete scheme for computing all direct and cross demand elasticities in a model with many sectors, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 23 pp.

Section 11 of 1958-02-07, later published as RF1959a.


1958-06-03 Elektroprogrammering i Norge. Forord til en rapport [Electro-programming in Norway. Preface to a report], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 10 pp.

Preface to a report produced by H. J. A. Kreyberg in cooperation with Tore Johansen, titled Sosialøkonomisk jamføring mellom alternative anvendelser av elektrisk kraft i Norge. Rapport nr. 1: Opplegg, hovedtabeller og analyse av allokeringsalternativer,

dated 1958-05-14. Both the report (with the preface) and the preface separately were written as Memos, however, neither were distributed.


1958-08-14 Structure of the Norwegian input-output work on 1954 data, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 5 pp.


1958-08-15 Treghetsmetoden til beregning av endringer i en matriks av observasjoner med foreskrevne marginale totaler og andre betingelser [The method of inertia for computing changes in a sample matrix with prescribed marginal totals and other specific conditions], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 13 pp.

Cf. 1958-08-23, 1958-09-17 and 1958-09-25.


 1958-08-22 Noen elementer av økonomisk vekstteori [Some elements of economic growth theory], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 15 pp.


 1958-08-23 Treghetsmetoden ved observasjonsmatrikser når et vilkårlig antall av elementer eller relasjoner er foreskrevne [The method of inertia in sample matrices when an arbitrary number of elements or relations are prescribed], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 43 pp.

Cf. 1958-08-15, 1958-09-17 and 1958-09-25.


1958-09-12 The multiplex method for linear programming, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 63 pp.

The memo has the same title as 1955-10-17, but gives a different presentation, reflecting what has been achieved through research since 1955, see RF1957b. An introductory note on p 1 reads: "This paper is a very condensed statement of a method whose theoretical foundation I have developed in a number of memoranda and notes from the University Institute of Economics, Oslo, during the last years."


1958-09-17 Treghetsmetoden anvendt på de relative avvik i en observasjonsmatriks [The method of inertia applied on the relative deviations in a sample matrix], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 32 pp.

Cf. 1958-08-15, 1958-08-23 and 1958-09-25.


1958-09-25 Et numerisk eksempel på anvendelse av treghetsmetoden for estimering av finansmatriksen [A numerical example of applying the method of inertia on estimating the financial matrix], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 16 pp.

Refer to Frisch 1958-08-15 IDa, 1958-08-23 IDb, 1958-09-17 IDc and 1958-09-25 IDd.

IDa:680, 1099 IDb:682, 1100 IDc:684, 1101 IDd:685, 1102


1958-09-30 Solving linear equations and inverting matrices when an optimum elimination order is used, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 20 pp.

Assisted by Sven Vigger. Cf. 1957-02-01 and the memorandum

1957-11-27 to the National Planning Committee, Cairo. see also Frisch 1967-01-27.


1958-10-01 A numerical example of a linear programming problem, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 3 pp.


1958-10-14 A method of working out a macroeconomic plan frame with particular reference to the evaluation of development projects, foreign trade and employment, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 48 pp.

A note on the front page: "This memorandum is issued as a memorandum from the Institute of Economics at the University of Oslo, but can at the same time be classified as my memorandum No. 16 to the National Planning Committee, Cairo."


1959-01-27 A powerful method of approximation in optimum investment computations of

the normal type. With particular reference to tha case where the number of

investment projects is large, Cairo, Memorandum No 22 to the National

Planning Committee, 68 pp.

A handwritten note (in Norwegian; translated here): An improved presentation is given in

the Oslo memo Frisch 1959.06.01.


1959-03-15 Elsås-modellen og dens utbygging for programmeringsformål [The Elsås model and its extension for programming purposes], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 11pp.


1959-04-20 Aggregat-Refi-modeller [Aggregate Refi models], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 71 pp.

Assisted by Eva-Karin Karlsen, Per Schreiner and Arne Dag Johansen.


1959-04-23 Flow chart for automatic computation according to the multiplex method,Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 2 pp.

Note on the front page: "Based on the memorandum of 12 September 1958 from the University Institute of Economics and the report F-375, March 1959 by Mr. Ole-Johan Dahl, Norwegian Defence Research Establishment", cf. 1958-09-12.


1959-04-27 Optimal investments under limited foreign resources. Part I, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 5 pp.

Cf. 1959-07-15b.


1959-05-02 Organization of multiplex work on desk machines, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 5 pp.


1959-05-03 The admission preference method for finding a point in the admissible region and for modifying bounds in linear programming problems, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 10 pp.


1959-05-14 A summary of the simplex method, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 19 pp.


1959-06-01 A powerful method of approximation in optimum investment computations of the normal type. With particular reference to the case where the number of investment projects is large, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 45 pp.

Presented at the meeting of the Econometric Society, Amsterdam, September 1959.


 1959-06-07 A macroeconomic interflow table with specification of competitive imports, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 16 pp.


 1959-06-17 A comparison between the multiplex method and the simplex method, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 4 pp.

A note on the front page: "The basic ideas are given in my paper "The multiplex method for linear programming", RF 1957b.


1959-06-21 Note on the steering problem in macroeconomic programming, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 4 pp.


1959-06-25 Practical rules for interview determination of one-sided and two-sided preference coefficients in macroeconomic decision problems, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 16 pp.


1959-06-29 Aggregat-Refi-modeller. Del II [Aggregate Refi models. Part II], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 9 pp.


1959-07-15a Optimal investments under limited foreign resources. Part II, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 190 pp.

Cf. 1959-07-15b.


 1959-07-15b Optimal investments under limited foreign resources. Part I and part II, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 196pp.

Part I and part II also produced separately as 1959-04-27 and 1959-07-15a, respectively.


1959-09-27 V. V. Novozhilov's method of process selection and its transformation into a linear programming problem, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 4 pp.


1959-10-18 A reconsideration of Domar's theory of economic growth, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 9 pp.

Later published as RF 1961l.


1959-10-30 Føring av hovedbok for tallstørrelser [Keeping of ledger for numerical quantities], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 7 pp.


1959-11-17 A generalized form of the Refi interflow table, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 27 pp.


1959-12-11 Utkast til organisert samarbeid om et forbedret analytisk grunnlag for norsk nasjonalbudsjettering [A draft for an organized cooperation on an improved analytical basis for a Norwegian national budgeting], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 11 pp.

With Hans Heli.


1959-12-18 The smoothing of an interpreference table, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 10 pp.

Later published as RF1967d.


 1960-04-05 The Cairo programming equations, Current notes No.19 from Prof. Ragnar

Frisch, Oslo and Cairo, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 15 pp.


 1960-04-09 Quadratic programming by the multiplex method in the general case where the quadratic form may be singular, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 64 pp.

Published as RF 1961k.


1960-06-27 The Oslo Refi interflow table, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 15 pp.

In co-operation with Hans Heli, Tore Johansen, H. J. A. Kreyberg, Per Schreiner, Jan Serck-Hanssen and Tore Thonstad.


1960-08-23 Synopsis of a channel model for macroeconomic programming, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 3 pp.


1960-08-27a Mixed linear and quadratic programming by the multiplex method, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 33 pp.

Assisted by Eva-Karin Karlsen. Cf. 1960-08-27b and 1960-11-07.


1960-08-27b Mixed linear and quadratic programming by the multiplex method. Draft of contents, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 2 pp.

Assisted by Eva-Karin Karlsen and part 10 in cooperation with Ole-Johan Dahl, cf. 1960-08-27a.


1960-11-07 Mixed linear and quadratic programming by the multiplex method, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 21 pp.

Non-technical summary of the 1960-08-27a. Later published as RF1961g.


1961-01-02 Forord og avsnitt III.d [Preface and section III.d], in Kreyberg, Hans Jacob: Oversikt over Keynes-modellene [A survey of the Keynes models], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 1-4 and 17-20.

Frisch in a passage of the preface (translated): My co-operation came mainly to be co-ordinating. I have inter alia devided the exposition in four separate models, where I have stated clearly the number of the degrees of freedom in each model and have

distinguished between "registered" variables and relations on the one side (which define the essential feature of the model) and "accessoric" variables and relations on the other side (which would change the model structure and possibly change the number of the degrees of freedom if they were added to the model). More essential points of co-ordination are presented on pp 2, 3 and 4.


1961-01-18a Foredrag om økonomisk-politiske emner [Lectures on economic-political topics], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 75 pp.

With Gunnar Bøe, Leif Johansen and Tore Thonstad. For Frisch's lecture see 1961-01-18b .


1961-01-18b Pengeøkonomi og realøkonomi [Money economics and real economics], in Frisch, Ragnar et al: Foredrag om økonomisk-politiske emner [Lectures on economic-political topics], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 1-12.

Lecture of March 5 1948 in a series of lectures by university teachers, organized by Sentralkomiteen for øket arbeidseffektivitet.

Previously printed in the book "Aktuelle økonomiske problemer" ["Current economic problems"].


1961-01-24 The logic of electronic computers, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 4 pp.

Reprint from Statsøkonomisk Tidsskrift of parts of a lecture at a seminar October 1960 in Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Institutt [The Norwegian Institute of International Affairs], Oslo.


1961-02 The Oslo-Kongsberg family Frisch, Oslo, DE-UO memo, 7 pp.

Never distributed. A copy is available at DE-UO, in a folder labelled "The Oslo-Kongsberg family Frisch".


1961-02-16 Menneskefaktoren i utviklingslandene [The human factor in the developing countries], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 5 pp.

Based a talk at a seminar in Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Institutt [The Norwegian Institute of International Affairs], Oslo, 19 January 1961.


1961-02-22 Infraeffekt og kvadratisk programmering. Et generelt makro-programmeringsopplegg med spesialiseringsmuligheter. [Infra effect and quadratic programming. A general macro programming arrangement with openings for specializations], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 11 pp.


1961-04 Oppslagsregister og repetisjonsliste for produksjonsteorien bind 2 [Entry index and repetition list to the theory of production, second volume], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 7 pp

Cf. 1953-11-20.


1961-05-05 Verdifaste låneformer [Indexed loan forms], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 17 pp.

Published as RF 1961n.


1961-05-13 A survey of types of economic forecasting and programming and a brief description of the Oslo Channel Model, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, (60+12)pp=72 pp.

Cf. 1961-10-20 and RF1962g, the present memo contains more on the general mathematical problem of the Oslo Channel Model.


1961-06-08 Tenkningens slave, ikke dens herre [The slave of thinking, not its master], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 6 pp.

A broadcasting talk made 8 June 1961 on the use of electronic computers in economics, published in Aftenposten, 1961-06-15.


1961-06-28 Litt om desisjonsmodeller i regional planlegging [Some reflections on decision models in regional planning], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 3 pp.

Published as RF1961f.


1961-09-23 Five of the interventions of Ragnar Frisch at the Paris ISI Conference 1961 and at the Geneva Input-Output Conference 1961, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 12 pp.


1961-10-05 Maksimering av en meget generell funksjon under meget generelle bibetingelser [Maximizing a very general function subject to very general side conditions], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 7 pp.


1961-10-20 Preface to the Oslo Channel Model - A survey of types of economic forecasting and programming, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 44 pp.

Published as RF1962g, in many ways similar to 1961-05-13.


1962-03-08 Tentative formulation of the multiplex method for the case of a large numberof basis variables, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 8 pp.


1962-07-20a Draft of a multilateral trade clearing agency, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 7 pp.

With Joan Robinson. The memorandum contains "Speech on 18 July 1962 at the Britain-Commonwealth-EFTA Conference in London" by Joan Robinson, and "Tentative draft of a multilateral trade clearing agency. Address on 17 July 1962 at the Britain-Commonwealth-EFTA Conference in London" by Ragnar Frisch, cf. 1962a.


1962-07-29 Parametric solution and programming of the Hicksian model, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 40 pp.

Assisted by Ashok K. Parikh. Published as RF1964f.


1962-08-17 Economic planning and the growth problem in developing countries, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 15 pp.

Lecture at the United Nations International Seminar in Norway (Gol, Halingdal) 8-17 August, 1962: "Cooperation between developed and less developed countries".


1962-11-28a Dynamic utility, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 8 pp.

An analysis done as a reaction to a lecture by Sir Roy Harrod at the University of Oslo 27 November, 1962. Later published as RF1964a.


1962-12-07 Prinsipiell diskusjon om makroøkonomiske virkemidler [A fundamental discussion on macro-economic policy instruments], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 6 pp.

A correspondence between Petter Jakob Bjerve, at the time director general of Central Bureau of Statistics of Norway, and Ragnar Frisch.


1963-01-03 An implementation system for optimal national economic planning without detailed quantity fixation from a central authority, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 40pp.

Published as RF1963b.


1963-02-03 A multilateral trade clearing agency, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 11 pp.

Published RF1963d and RF1964d, see also RF1967b.


1963-02-07 Matematisk teori for multilateral clearing, Del I [Mathematical theory for multilateral clearing, Part I], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 19 pp.

Cf. RF1967b.


1963-10-03 Et numerisk eksempel som viser hvorledes prinsipper fra "The Oslo Channel Model" kan brukes for å avgjøre valg mellom investeringsprosjekter [A numerical example which shows how principles from "The Oslo Channel Model" can be used to decide choices between investment projects], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 72 pp.

In cooperation with Aina Uhde and Håvard Alstadheim. Published as RF1969.


 1963-10-04 Nonplex-metoden i dens rene basisform [The nonplex method in its pure basic form], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 49 pp.

With Kåre N. Edvardsen, assisted by Håvard Alstadheim. In the pure basic form of the nonplex method the primordial system of equational conditions is solved such that all the variables are expressed as single-valued functions of free variables (in Frisch's

terminology "basic variables"). This form is discussed in considerable detail in the present memo. Flow charts for computations are also presented. The presentation is confined to the case where, in the basic form of the system, the dependant variables as well as the preference function are expressed as quadratic functions of the free variables and where no assumptions are made about the non-singularity or the positive or negative definiteness of the quadratic forms involved. This means that one can no longer say whether a local optimum is also a global one. See Frisch 1963-11-14 IDa for a discussion of the nonplex method in its subconditional form.


1963-10-17 Foreword, in Fraser 1963-10-17 New ways of planning for growth in Britain, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 1 p.


1963-11-14 The nonplex method in its subconditional form, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 18 pp.

Assisted by Håvard Alstadheim. The pure basic form of the nonplex method - as distinct from its subconditional form - is a form where all equational conditions are solved such that all the variables are expressed as single-valued functions of a number of "free

variables" (in Frisch's terminology "basic variables"). This form is discussed in considerable detail in Frisch 1963-10-04 IDa (in Norwegian). In the subconditional form of the nonplex method, presented and discussed in the present memo, the primordial

equation system is not reduced to a system of basic equations. The reasons for using the subconditional form are explained in the introductory section of the 4 October 1963 memorandum. Published as RF1963e.


1963-11-24 An iterative solution of a transportation problem in linear programming, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 6 pp.


1964-05-13 The 13. May version of the chief move in the inseeking part of the nonplex method for programming with non-convex bounds and/or a non-concave preference function, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 5 pp.


1964-10-12 Notat om frihetsgrader i makroøkonomiske planleggingsmodeller [A note on degrees of freedom in macroeconomic planning models], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 7 pp.


1964-11-01 En ny form for antiinflatorisk inntektspolitikk [A new form of anti-inflationary income policy], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 9 pp.


1964-11-13 The nonplex method for strongly nonlinear programming, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 25 pp.

Synopsis of a presentation to be given at the IBM Symposium on econometrics, Blaricum, Holland, 17-20 November 1964.


1965-04-23 The nonplex method for non convex programming, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 11 pp.

Synopsis of a presentation to be given at the ESTÖ (Institut für europäische Studien) International Conference, Graz, Austria, 3-9 May 1965).


1965-05-08 How mathematical programming may be used to great advantage in the federal part of Yugoslav economic planning, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 6 pp.

An introductory note: "This memorandum reproduces (with some minor verbal changes) a letter I wrote in the night between 8 and 9 May in Graz, Austria, after an ESTØ conference of Western and Eastern economists". The mentioned letter was written to

Professor Dusan Sabolovic.


1965-09-27 On the solution of difference equations with constant coefficients and an arbitrary additional function of time, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 22 pp.

An introductory note: "The present memorandum reproduces parts of the RF 1964f.


1965-12-14 General outlook on a method of advanced and democratic macroeconomic planning, Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 25 pp.

The first two of eight lectures given at the Centro Internazionale Matematico (CIME) Summer Session L'Aquila, Italy 30 August - 7 September 1965. Note: "To appear (in English) in the compte rendu of the Conference under the editorship of Professor Bruno

de Finetti and (in Italian) in the "Rassegna Economica, Banco di Napoli" under the editorship of Professor Giuseppe Palomba."


1967-01-27 Arbeidsnotat om SERB metoden (SE = Selected elimination order, RB = Repeated back solution) for høy-nøyaktig løsning av lineære ligninger med minimale regneomkostninger [A working note on the SERB method (SE = Selected elimination order, RB = Repeated back solution) for high accuracy solving of linear equations with minimum computation costs], Memorandum from the Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, 8 pp.

Cf. 1958-09-30, 1957-02-01 and 1957-11-07.



IDa:686, 1462 IDb:656, 1453 IDc:663, 1457


 1969-02-03 Economic steering by incentives instead of by commands, Oslo, MS DE-UO, 15pp.

MS for Acta Oeconomica Budapest. Lecture in Budapest on 5 April 1968 in a meeting

organized by the Hungarian Economic Association. 

Publisert 22. feb. 2011 12:59