Conferences - Page 4


ARENA Centre for European Studies will host a workshop on justice, trade and development as a part of the GLOBUS project in Oslo on 14-15 March 2019. 

Time and place: , Campus de la Ciutadella, Mercè Rodoreda Building 24.S18 - Polivalent

The education and research network on EU foreign policy, NORTIA, will hold its first network conference in Barcelona on 6-8 June.

The conference 'The European Union - between Scylla and Charybdis?' gathered European academics to discuss the challenges the European Union has been facing lately. 

Time and place: , Research Council of Norway

The Research Council of Norway is organizing a conference about political changes in Europe, and how these affect Norway. Leading researchers, several from ARENA, will present first hand insight into the latest research on these areas.

Time and place: , University of Oslo

How can depoliticized bodies be seen as legitimate and be held to account? How to avoid the arbitrary exercise of expert power? This opening workshop of the REFLEX project 16-17 November deals with the functioning, justification and democratic embedding of depoliticized decision-making.