Can 9/11 be viewed as a turning point?

"11 September may be seen as a turning point. Muslims in Norway say that they saw a noticeable change in people's attitudes," says Katrine Fangen, EUMARGINS Scientific Coordinator, in an interview for an article published by on 7 September 2011. Both in the United States and in Europe, 11 September and the subsequent 'war on terror' led to increased suspicions and violence towards Muslims. Fangen elaborates, "what is new after 11 September is that there has become a much stronger link between Islam and terror. Although xenophobia and Islamic skepticism existed before 11 September, the linkages to terror have become much stronger." There are also several surveys that show that anti-Islamic attitudes tied to skepticism about immigration have increased in recent years as well. Fangen explains that these negative attittudes can be related to reasons other than terrorism, such as the financial crisis. She states that "the economic downturn has clearly increased skepticism towards immigration." Read the article in its entirety. (In Norwegian)



By T. Sarin
Published Sep. 8, 2011 12:28 PM - Last modified Aug. 24, 2023 12:57 PM